Lockerley C of E Primary School Year 5 and 6 Curriculum Meeting July 2014
Hopefully by the end you will… Have a greater understanding of the Year 5 and 6 curriculum. Have knowledge of forthcoming topics. Gather some ideas and techniques to support children at home.
English Spoken Language Reading Writing
Reading Shared reading; Shared reading; Guided reading; Guided reading; Regular independent reading: Regular independent reading: individual; individual; group and paired; group and paired; Home/school reading; Home/school reading; Hearing books read aloud on a regular basis; Hearing books read aloud on a regular basis; Selecting their own choice of texts. Selecting their own choice of texts. E-books E-books
Reading Books at Lockerley
Reading Comprehension AF1 – read and understand words AF2 – find and understand information AF3 – Read between the lines AF4 – understand how the text is organised AF5 – explain the writers choice of language AF6 – Explain the reader’s and writer’s views AF7 – Compare texts and make links
Phonics based - sounding out words. More sophisticated comprehension e.g. Which words show us how the character is feeling? Specific information recalled Predictions – What do you think will happen next and why? Expressing an opinion Punctuation recognition and grammar Reading in Emperors
Reading Diaries How much did they read? E.g. Read from page 5 – 8. Effort comment Who did they read with? Sign initials
Writing Fiction Non-Fiction Poetry
Big Writing Weekly, independent writing activity. Purpose – to improve all areas of writing. VCOP Teacher and pupil targets
Spelling Phonics Catch-up Taught spelling at least three times a week Investigation, patterns, origins Weekly homework based on spellings that week Assessment through use in writing
Spelling High Frequency Words
Spelling in the NC14 → cious / tious endings → cial / tial endings → ency / ancy endings → ible / able endings → ough → silent letters → homophones
accommodate accompany according achieve aggressive amateur ancient apparent appreciate attached available average awkward bargain bruise conscious* controversy convenience correspond criticise (critic + ise) curiosity definite desperate determined develop dictionary disastrous embarrass environment secretary
Investigating a spelling pattern How would you add –ing to each of these words? Kick Ski Come Run Knock Catch Write ClapDrop Taste Stab
Handwriting Cursive script Correct posture / positioning Pen grip Correct formation of uppercase and lowercase letters
Grammar Word Classes (nouns, adjectives etc.) Parts of a sentence Uses of punctuation Word meanings Technical vocabulary
Maths Year 5 Number and place value Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division Fractions Measurement Geometry – Properties of shape, Position and direction Statistics – Graph, Data etc
Maths Year 6 Number and place value Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division Algebra Fractions Measurement Ratio and Proportion Geometry – Properties of shape, Position and direction Statistics
Four Operations
Using an empty number line Addition
Expanded Column Method Addition
Short Column Method Addition
Subtraction Finding the difference Numicon and practical resources can be used to support this
Subtraction Column Methods
Multiplication Partitioning 38 x 5 = (30 x 5) + (8 x 5)
Multiplication Grid Method x = x 5 =
Multiplication Grid Method x = x 25 =
Division Chunking
Not Just Number… Other maths areas…. 2D and 3D shape Patterns Symmetry Time Length Weight Capacity Position & Direction Fractions Angles Data handling
Other Subjects Science History Geography Art and Design and Design and Technology Computing Music Physical Education (PE) RE
Science Materials and Chemical Reactions Living Things and their Habitats Earth and Space Light Animals
History WWII Ancient Egypt
Geography Investigating North/South America compared to the UK Rivers Food for Thought
Art and Design Design Technology Charcoal Shelters Artists – Sculpture Paper Mache Egyptian Death Masks Smoothies and Cooking
Computing - Computer Science - Digital Literacy - Understanding technology - Research Skills - Safety
Music Tuned and untuned percussion instruments Use of voice Pitch Rhythm Duration Dynamics Tempo
PE Gymnastics Dance including dance days Athletics Specialised coaches Tag Rugby Football Netball Hockey Daily Physical Activities – 10 minutes
RE Ummah - Five Pillars of Islam Interpretation – Two birth narratives Message – Jesus’s message Suffering – Easter Story God – God talk Myths – Myths in religious traditions
First Hand Experiences In School Evacuation Experience James and the Giant Peach Film Fantasy Story day Visits Harry Potter World Beaulieu Planetarium British Museum Waitrose
Homework Reading Times table practice Spelling investigations Maths or Literacy every week (unless longer piece) Sometimes foundation research/crafty work as part of our Topic
Ways to Support your Child Provide appropriate support and encouragement with homework Hear your child read regularly and write a positive comment in the reading diary Provide support with learning number Encourage joined handwriting
SATs Old curriculum for Literacy and Maths SATs practise end of each term SATs revision begins Spring Term Two Maths written papers (both non-calculator) Mental Maths paper Punctuation, grammar and spelling paper (consists of 2 papers) Reading paper Level 6 for some children – decided Spring Term Teacher Assessment for Writing
Any Questions?