Searching and Citing The Skills of Modern Historians
Searching for Resources Tips and Tricks
Expanding Your Search 1.Searching more than one term - Use the plus symbol ‘+’ to link words -e.g. Food + Drink to search both terms 2.Using Synonyms - Use the tilde symbol ‘~’ before a word to search that word and any like words or synonyms - e.g. Ancient Egyptian ~Food >> Searching Food, Cuisine, Diet etc..
Refining Your Search 1.Excluding words - To refine your search and exclude particular terms from your search use the minus symbol ‘-’ - e.g. Panthers –Sport, which will avoid websites related to Panthers sport teams 2. Searching Exact phrases - To search an exact phrase use quotation marks “” - e.g. “Ancient Roman Weapons”
Citing Resources It is important to record all your sources of information accurately and in the correct format, to add value to your work and recognise the work of others
Books To ‘cite’ a book we use the following format AuthorSurname, FirstName. Title of Book. Place of Publication: Publisher, Year of Publication. e.g. (Grab a book)
Websites To cite a website we use the following format AuthorSurname, AuthorFirstName. “Title.” Date of Publication URL: Web Address e.g. Complete for the following page