Documentation A common ground for research for the Cultural Heritage sector Niels Windfeld Lund University of Tromsø, Norway
Documentation A theoretical approach Importance of concepts: Our task is not to penetrate into the essence of things, the meaning of which we don't know anyway, but rather to develop concepts which allow us to talk in a productive way about phenomena in nature (Niels Bohr 1935)
Diversity of documents Why Documentation Studies in Tromsø Act of legal deposit all media Convergency vs. Diversity
What is a document ? Document = doceo + mentum Doceo : - to demonstrate, show Mentum: - means - result
To document To document is to show ”something” by using some means in some modes resulting in one or more documents To document you need a producer, means, modes and some results
Knitting documents A knitting recipe A knitten hat A book about knitting traditions Three different documents produced by different people using different means and made in different modes, but all documentation of knitting
What is documentation ? Post-document conception - document organisation - archives, libraries, museums Pre-document conception - document production - documentation is a precondition for communication - you always need means - no immediacy
Modes - traditions of documentation Document production Public administration - forms Literature - novels Music - libretto Science - article Journalism - documentary Politics - speech
Modes-tradition of documentation Document organisation Archives Libraries Museums All are document institutions Having different traditions for organizing documents for different purposes
The digital challenge Still new kinds of documents Blurring borders between institutions - new institutions ? Still new instruments Still new problems
Experimental research An instrumental approach A complementary perspective Critical studies of traditions Selection of means Document labs for document production as well as document organisation
A sample of cases Telemedicine - EPR Arts - performance as a document Research - classification of publications Trade - Image database of seafood Software - content/form Etc.
Documentation Studies Study programs BA-MA-Ph.D. Tech.-nat.,social sciences, humanities Specialties : -document development -Document institution (libraries, (archives), (museums) Problem based work Project organised work Seminars
The Document Academy A collaborative project between University of Tromsø, Norway and University of California, Berkeley open for scholars, professionals, artists etc. worldwide interested in exploring : The possibilities for making documents The potentialities of the concept of document Annual meeting, DOCAM, at Berkeley Workshops Planning Document labs