Vandertramp Verbs …a special list for the passé composé!
DR & MRS VANDERTRAMP(P) This acronym stands for a list of verbs to help you remember which verbs use ETRE as their helping verb!
DRMRS Devenir – to become – devenu Revenir – to come back – revenu Monter – to climb – monté Rester – to stay – resté Sortir – to go out – sorti
VANDERTRAMP(P) Venir – to come – venu Aller – to go – allé Naître – to be born - né Descendre – to go down – descendu Entrer – to go in – entré Rentrer – to go home – rentré Tomber – to fall (down) – tombé Retourner – to return – retourné Arriver – to arrive – arrivé Mourir – to die – mort Partir – to leave – parti Passer – to go past, to pass -- passé
What do these verbs have in common? They are verbs of movement The represent coming, going, rising, falling, birth, & death They are intransitive… You can’t do them to someone else without adding a preposition. I can’t go something, die someone, climb someone, or fall someone. They need prepositions after them to add details of where or to/with whom
Mnemonic devicenemonic device The ins and outs and ups and downs of life and death are here to stay!
Passé Composé Rules 1)As usual, Helping verb + past participle = P.C. 2)Helping verb = être 3)The past participle of Vandertramps must agree with its subject in gender and number – tack on an extra -e or -s or both. Je suis Nous sommes Tu es Vous êtes Il est Ils sont
Mlle Bratz est née le 3 août. Son frère Gary est né le 19 mars. Les élèves sont nés en Les jumelles Molly et Caroline sont nées en 1998.
Draw a house… Door Stairs Second-floor window Leave space within and around it on your page Can you draw arrows and figures to show each drmrsvandertramp verb? Be creative!