- Flies are attracted to cows eyes, teats and open wounds - Flies harbour and transmit in excess of 100 diseases - Flies cause cows extreme discomfort.


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Presentation transcript:

- Flies are attracted to cows eyes, teats and open wounds - Flies harbour and transmit in excess of 100 diseases - Flies cause cows extreme discomfort which can result in; Reduced weight gain Lower Milk Yield in cattle An inferior quality of milk - It is proven that fly treatment has been shown to increase milk yield and meat production

-Fly infestations can mean more time spent cleaning eggs to remove fly specks. -Flies can cause a downgrading of egg quality. -Fly maggots have a negative impact on poultry manure quality due to liquefaction, which also fosters the release of ammonia which is responsible for; increased chronic respiratory diseases, Increased corrosion Increased ventilation costs -A female fly lays 200 eggs in each laying period and from egg to fly takes approximately 8 days. -It is proven fly treatment has shown to result in a marked production of egg production

-Flies are a serious problem in modern pig houses. Some of the diseases they spread can be extremely harmful to swine including; Anthrax Dysentery Tuberculosis -Flies are attracted to sows’ teats, eyes and open wounds. The illnesses transmitted affect both sows and piglets -Flies feeding on secretions from the eyes, nose and small wounds distracts the animal from grazing which causes a reduction in growth and productivity. -Fly infestations cause a significant reduction in meat.