1 “YES!” Jesus wants his supernatural life to live in us so we can live FOREVER with him in his Kingdom! This is why Jesus commanded us to feed our soul with his holy Word, his Holy Spirit and his Holy Eucharist. “I am the bread of life!” (John 6:35) “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every Word that proceeds from the mouth of God.” (Matthew 4:4) “In that day you will know that I am in my Father, and you in me, and I in you.” (John 14:20) “Do you really believe you’re eating the Body and Blood of Jesus?”
2 “Faith” and “obedience” unlocks our understanding ! “I am the bread of Life…” John 6:22-70
3 Transubstantiation (in Latin, transsubstantiatio) is when the bread and the wine used in the sacrament of the Eucharist become, not merely a sign or a symbol, but in reality the body and blood of Christ. The ancient Greek philosopher, Aristotle (c. 350 BC) described how the meaning (the substance) of something can change, even though the physical characteristics (the accidents or elements) do not. St. Thomas Aquinas (c AD) applied this logic to the consecration of the bread and wine. Transubstantiation: the “substance” changes, not the “elements”
4 A diamond engagement ring looks like a band of metal with a rock on it, unless you are the one who receives that ring. To you, the ring now means love, fidelity, marriage, children, happiness, joy! The physical properties of the diamond ring still look the same, it’s still a metal band with a rock on it, but the substance, the meaning behind it has changed. It is now YOUR ring and takes on a new meaning that changes your interior life, which is your Soul. It is the same when Jesus, speaking through the Priest, says “This is my body” and “This is my blood.” The wafer is consecrated into the Body and Blood of Christ. Why? Because Jesus said so! The wafer still looks like a wafer, but the substance, the meaning of it has changed; it is now the supernatural life of Christ who wants to feed and nourish your supernatural life—your Soul! The example of a diamond engagement ring changing its substance
5 The example of a diamond ring changing its substance…
6 When a man gives a diamond ring to a woman and asks her to marry him, that diamond ring becomes an engagement ring! It still looks like the same shiny rock on top of a metal band before the man gave it to the woman, however, the SUBSTANCE of that ring has now changed dramatically. The ring now means love, fidelity, family, till death do us part! The same thing happens when the unleavened bread is consecrated by the Holy Spirit of God. The substance of the host has been transubstantiated by God’s Holy Spirit to take on a new meaning. The host still looks like a piece of "unleavened bread,” however, the Presence of God is now alive in the host because the Holy Spirit has entered it. The host is now the Body and Blood of Jesus. And since Jesus proved he is eternal by his resurrection, it is also now the “Bread of Life!” The example of a diamond engagement ring changing its substance…
7 The example of a house changing its substance…
8 The house you live in is your home. However, if you were to sell your house and move to another, the house you left is no longer your home. The walls, the ceilings, the floor, the kitchen and bathroom still look the same in the old house, but the meaning of it has changed. It is no longer your “home” but just a “house” a “building.” You no longer feel the same way about your old house because it is no longer your home. The “substance” of it has changed even though the physical properties and characteristics of it, has not… The example of a house changing its substance…