The Web Experience for People with Disabilities ADA Trainer Network Module 7e 1 Trainer’s Name Trainer’s Title Phone /Website Address
Disclaimer Information, materials, and/or technical assistance are intended solely as informal guidance, and are neither a determination of your legal rights or responsibilities under the ADA, nor binding on any agency with enforcement responsibility under the ADA. The Mid-Atlantic ADA Center is authorized by the National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research (NIDRR) to provide information, materials, and technical assistance to individuals and entities that are covered by the ADA. The contents of this document were developed under a grant from the Department of Education, NIDRR grant number H133 A However, those contents do not necessarily represent the policy of the Department of Education, and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government. 2
People who are Blind Do not use a mouse May use a screen reader to listen to the content May use a refreshable Braille display 3 All content must be accessible from the keyboard only Images, photos and graphics are unusable Colors are unusable Navigation may be difficult / confusing
Video Video by AccessIT Surfing the Web with a Screen Reader 4
People with Low Vision May use screen magnification software Only a small portion of the screen is seen at a time 5 Images, photos and graphics may become unusable when enlarged Navigation may be difficult / confusing if it occurs in multiple locations along the outer edges of the web page
Color Blindness Approximately 8-10% of the male population and about 0.5% of the female population experience some form of color deficiency. 7 Reds and greens are often indistinguishable Other colors may be indistinguishable
Color Blindness: Simulation 8 Map of Hurricane Isabel (with color)
Color Blindness: Simulation 9 Map of Hurricane Isabel (with red/green colorblindness) Simulated using Vischek ( )
People with Mobility Impairments May use only the keyboard for navigation May tire quickly May not have fine motor control when using a mouse 11 All content must be accessible from the keyboard Lengthy navigation may cause fatigue Small or moving links are difficult to select
Mobility Impairments: Assistive Technology Head wand Adaptive Keyboard Mouth stick 12
Video Video from Web Access Toolkit Mobility Impairment 13
People who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing 14 Access Considerations Video clips that include audio are unusable Audio clips are unusable
Video 15 Deafness and Hard of Hearing
People with Cognitive Impairments May be easily distracted Complex layouts may lead to confusion Text-only content may be limiting Animated images may be distracting May be difficult to identify important content on a busy page Use graphics when they support content Use recognizable key words 16
People with Photosensitive Epilepsy Strobe or flickering content may cause seizures 21 Access Board, 2001 Avoid causing the screen to flicker with a frequency greater than 2 Hz and lower than 55 Hz
Mid-Atlantic ADA Center TransCen, Inc. 401 North Washington Street, Suite 450 Rockville, MD Toll-Free: (DC, DE, MD, PA, VA, WV) Telephone Fax TTY The contents of this presentation were developed under a grant from the Department of Education, NIDRR grant number H133 A However, those contents do not necessarily represent the policy of the Department of Education, and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government. 22