Foods vary depending on climate, location, water source, land layout Rice needs marshy areas, citrus needs long warm season, abundance of lakes/ocean access for fish/seafood A peoples culture is depicted through their food i.e. – Japan=rice and seafood, Scandinavian countries= cheese, dried fruits, smoked meats, fish
Religion influences a person’s food Jewish eat unleavened bread as a symbol of the bread ancestors ate when God lead them from Egypt Christians – Easter eggs symbolize rebirth, bread and wine during communion reflects body and blood of Christ Germany – pretzels symbolize prayer Some food is restricted Hindu = no beef, cows are sacred Islam = pork is forbidden Christian/Catholics No meat during Lent (40 days)
Customs that are passed down through generations Many are centered around holidays Chinese – celebrate new year with 10 course meal Folklore Sweden – eating dream herring or dream porridge on Midsummer eve predicts the future China – black tea is called red tea, black is considered bad luck Art related Japan – food is an art form During spring festivals food is arrange to depict mountains, rivers, trees, and flowers
United States is a melting pot of culture Traditions and culture combine to create new food trends Native Americans Introduced corn, pumpkins, squash, peppers, cranberries, and peanuts Taught people how to fish and hunt Africans Brought okra, spicy, stew dishes
Northeast (New England states) Climate is right for berries, apples, corn, squash, beans, and Maple trees (maple syrup) Well-known for seafood and wild game Lobster, crab, turkey, duck, and pheasant Middle Atlantic Dutch, German, Swedish, Jewish, and English settlers Doughnuts, waffles, chicken and dumplings, bagels, lox, sausages, hot dogs, pretzels, and seafood
Southern States Borders by Atlantic Ocean and Gulf of Mexico with long, warm growing seasons Corn, rice, sugarcane, sweet potatoes, peaches, peanuts. Pork, chicken, catfish, bass, trout, turtle, citrus fruit Most settlers from British Isles, Spain, Africa, France Barbeque, fried chicken, smoked meats, biscuits Soul food Based on African slaves customs Hot and spicy; catfish, hush puppies, greens, fried chitterlings Creole food New Orleans; rooted in French, Spanish, African, and Native American culture Mixture of rice, tomatoes, okra, seafood, poultry, hot sausage, Gumbo (stew), jambalaya (casserole)
West and Southwest States Rocky and sandy terrain Sheep, potatoes, vegetables, some fruit Influenced by Mexicans, Spaniards, and Native Americans Hot peppers, chili, tamales, nachos, thick stews
Midwest Rich soil and flat land Nicknamed “breadbasket” Corn, grains, soybeans Settled by Swiss, German, Polish, Irish, Greek, French, Scandinavian Known for having potluck dinners
West Coast Bordered by the Pacific Ocean Oranges, avocados, grapes, papayas, nuts, dates, seafood, lettuce, tomatoes, apricots, berries, apples, tuna, salmon, artichokes Influenced by Asian and Mexican cultures