2 hours from Humble and Kingwood This area is known as the “Piney Woods” region of Texas What do you think you would find in the Piney Woods?
Colors: Purple and White (Red as accent color) Mascot: The Lumberjacks and the Ladyjacks Did you know? The mighty fighting pinecone was almost named as the SFA mascot!
Stephen Fuller Austin ( ) Known as "The Father of Texas," Established the first Anglo- American colony in the Tejas province of Mexico and saw it grow into an independent republic. Statue of SFA on campus ~ this statue is known as “Surfin’ Steve”
Check out this enormous SFA statue near Angelton, TX
Sam Houston won this year! The winner takes this trophy! 2 nd oldest football rivalry in Texas
The symbol initially started with two fingers forming an axe. The thumb was added to not only make the symbol more unique, but also to form an "L" and a "J" when held side by side. The symbol also has been interpreted as the shape of Texas with two fingers pointed to Nacogdoches Originators of the hand symbol say it's simply an axe.
Accounting Agribusiness Agriculture Agricultural Development Agricultural Machinery Animal Science Anthropology Art Art History Biochemistry Biology Chemistry Child and Family Development Communication Studies Communication Sciences & Disorders Computer Information Systems Computer Science Corrections Criminal Justice Dance Deaf and Hard of Hearing Economics English Equestrian Environmental Science Fashion Merchandising Finance Food, Nutrition and Dietetics Forest Management Forest Recreation Management Forest Wildlife Management Forestry French General Business Geographic Information Systems Geography Geology Gerontology Health Science History Horticulture Hospitality Administration Human Sciences Information Technology Interior Design Interior Merchandising International Business Journalism Kinesiology Latin American Studies Law Enforcement Legal Assistant Management Marketing Mathematics Military Science Music Nursing Orientation & Mobility Philosophy Physics Piano Pedagogy Plant and Soil Science Political Science Poultry Science Pre-Veterinary Medicine Psychology Public Administration Radio-Television Recreation Management Rehabilitation Services Social Work Sociology Spanish Spatial Science Special Education Surveying Teacher Certification Teacher Education EC-6 Teacher Education 4-8 Theatre Turfgrass Management Undecided Urban Forestry Wildlife Check out these unique majors related to the forest location of SFA!
Mrs. Shannon “SFA is better than Sam Houston” Rodriguez graduated from Stephen F. Austin. Coach Gunter Rodriguez also graduated from SFA.
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