Hurghada, Egypt The International Conference of Animal Wealth Research
Conference Chairman Prof. Dr. Mohamed Galal Aggour President of Animal Health Research Institute, ARC Conference G. Trustee Prof. Dr. Nabil F. Abdel Hakem Faculty of Agri., El Azahar University
Animal Production & reproduction Poultry production Food technology Rapid test applications in biomedical, environmental and food safety Animal husbandry Production systems Veterinary care Reproductive care Epizootology of animal diseases Sera and veterinary vaccines Animal nutrition Zoonotic diseases & human health Environmental hazards studies Animal genetics and breeding Animal housing Animal production mechanization Formulation of animal feeds Dairy products industry Meat industry and processing Animal Food hygiene Production systems and economics Marketing economics Application of quality assurance Application of biosafty and biosecurity Organic Animal Production International standards for animal welfare
Abstract should be not more than 300 words, provided with 3 – 5 keywords, word file and send to the organizing company on Paper submission Full paper should be not more than 12 pages size paper B5 ( 17.5 cm × 25 cm ) In case if your paper submitted more Than 12 pages you will pay 3 Euro for each extra page. For more information about the guidelines for writing Abstract and full papers please visit:
Poster Size ( 200 cm length x 80 cm width) On your posters, please include: Title Authors – denote presenting author with * A reception to view and discuss posters will be held during the first day of the conference.
Papers will be published in The Middle East and North Africa Journal of Animal Science Vol. no 7/ Also will publish on line through: CAB International website after two months from the end of ceremony
Early Reg. till 31 January 2014 Students (masters) “Attendance” 250 L.E Egyptians / 150 Euro Foreigners Students (PhD) “Attendance” 350 L.E Egyptians / 200 Euro Foreigners Attendance without paper” 400 L.E Egyptians / 250 Euro Foreigners Attendance with paper” 650 L.E Egyptians / 300 Euro Foreigners Students (masters) “with paper” 450 L.E Egyptians / 200 Euro Foreigners Students (PhD) “with paper” 550 L.E Egyptians / 250 Euro Foreigners Egyptians abroad and Arabs “with paper” 1250 L.E / 200 Euro Egyptians abroad and Arabs “without paper” 950 L.E / 150 Euro Late Reg. after 31 January 2014 Students (masters) “Attendance” 300 L.E Egyptians / 200 Euro Foreigners Students (PhD) “Attendance” 400 L.E Egyptians / 250 Euro Foreigners Attendance without paper” 450 L.E Egyptians / 300 Euro Foreigners Attendance with paper” 725 L.E Egyptians / 350 Euro Foreigners Students (masters) “with paper” 500 L.E Egyptians / 250 Euro Foreigners Students (PhD) “with paper” 600 L.E Egyptians / 300 Euro Foreigners Egyptians abroad and Arabs “with paper” 1500 L.E / 300 Euro Egyptians abroad and Arabs “without paper” 1200 L.E / 200 Euro
International publishing on line on CABI international web site Entry to the conference and exhibition. It also includes welcome drink in opening ceremony in addition to the conference goody bag contains of (conference program and proceeding on CD and official certificate of attendance) also you will get daily coffee breaks and (combo lunch box ) one light meal only for participants with papers one free trip for Foreigners only ( Social events )
Accommodation, transportation, Printing color photo and extra pages more than 12 pages. For participants with paper if you want printing your photo in color please inform us and you will pay for each photo (for foreigners) and 5 Euro for extra pages more than 12 pages.
Participated Univ. : 20 UniversitiesNo. of Attends: