Manufacturing Technology Latest News for NDIA Manufacturing March 08, 2006 Adele Ratcliff Director, Manufacturing Technology
Nashville Gaylord Opryland Hotel Nashville Gaylord Opryland Hotel – UTC, Dayton, coordinating conference UTC, Dayton, coordinating conference Theme Theme –“Superiority…Affordability… » Can We Really Have Both?” New Business Model New Business Model –Attendance Growth Opportunities –Sponsorship Opportunities Increase Value and Expand Base Increase Value and Expand Base Defense Manufacturing Conference 2006
AM Plenary First Session AM Plenary First Session –DOD Welcome, Challenge and Keynote – 4* »Theme Challenge and Impacts; Strategy for the War on Terrorism –DLA/MDA Interpretation – 3*-Theme meaning and impacts –Industry CEO – 4* Perspective-Theme meaning and impacts AM Plenary Second Session AM Plenary Second Session –Congressional Perspective – 4*-Theme meaning and impacts –Warfighter Perspective - 4*-Theme meaning and impacts Luncheon Luncheon Afternoon - Technical Sessions Afternoon - Technical Sessions Traditional Format Defense Manufacturing Conference 2006 Tuesday Sessions
AM First Plenary Session– Industry Defense Manufacturing Forum (NDIA, AIA, SME, GEITA, etc.). Perspectives: AM First Plenary Session– Industry Defense Manufacturing Forum (NDIA, AIA, SME, GEITA, etc.). Perspectives: –Policy –Legislation –Global –Capital –Labor/Workforce –Academia –Other? AM Second Plenary Session - Continue Industry Forum - Shift to Roundtable discussion or “Presidential Debate” around theme elements: AM Second Plenary Session - Continue Industry Forum - Shift to Roundtable discussion or “Presidential Debate” around theme elements: –Capability –Affordability –Life cycle cost –Defense Mfg Infrastructure Long Term Health Awards Luncheon – Industry Award Awards Luncheon – Industry Award Afternoon - Technical Sessions Afternoon - Technical Sessions Defense Manufacturing Conference 2006 Wednesday Industry Thrust/Involvement
Defense Manufacturing Conference 2006 Thursday Non-Traditional Perspective Non-Traditional Perspective –NASA –Medical –First Responders Technology Immersion Demonstration Technology Immersion Demonstration –Sponsorship –Demonstration of Technology –Hands On of technology for Attendees Open to Options
DMC Exhibit Lay-Out Layout is complete of 181 Booths Sold!, 1750 for 10’x10’ Layout is complete of 181 Booths Sold!, 1750 for 10’x10’ Opportunities for Expansion and Sponsorship - New for 2006! Opportunities for Expansion and Sponsorship - New for 2006! –Contact Tracy Tapia ,
Power Sources Roadmapping Sponsored by the JDMTP Power Sources TWG Sponsored by the JDMTP Power Sources TWG Dates: 28 February – 3 March Dates: 28 February – 3 March 85 attendees – 66% from Industry/Academia 85 attendees – 66% from Industry/Academia Taxonomy: Batteries and Alternates Sources Taxonomy: Batteries and Alternates Sources –Batteries: Primary, Secondary, Reserve –Alternative: Fuel Cells, Hybrids, SuperCaps (Note: a separate SuperCaps meeting will be held Mid-April. The turnout for this roadmapping exercise was low because of the SuperCap symposium this week) –Science (Chemistry), Applications, Manufacturing Production, and Support were looked at for each Taxonomy item. (Support includes Disposal, Logistics to the warfighter, etc) Draft available Early April for review by TWG Draft available Early April for review by TWG Final report due Mid-May Final report due Mid-May POC – Rich Neal or Rob Steele – POC – Rich Neal or Rob Steele –
RF Module Roadmapping Sponsored by the JDMTP RF Module TWG Sponsored by the JDMTP RF Module TWG Roadmapping workshop scheduled for Mid-May Roadmapping workshop scheduled for Mid-May Taxonomies under consideration (TBD on 8 March) Taxonomies under consideration (TBD on 8 March) –Communications, Electronic Warfare, Radar –Ground, Air, Space, Sea –MPM, Solid State, WBG RFI due out the end of March announcing the workshop dates, location, and technical approach RFI due out the end of March announcing the workshop dates, location, and technical approach POC – Rich Neal or Rob Steele – POC – Rich Neal or Rob Steele –