AASPI Workplan Kurt J. Marfurt Kurt J. Marfurt Jamie Rich Marcilio Matos Bo Zhang Brad Wallet OU AASPI Team Attribute-Assisted Seismic Processing and Interpretation AASPI
2 AASPI 2015 Workplan Software Construct more “workflows” that link common steps for Multiple iterations of structure-oriented filtering Prestack data conditioning Preconditioned least-squares migration 3D patch-based coherent noise suppression Document best practices for illuminating channels, karst, faults, …Document best practices for illuminating channels, karst, faults, … Evaluate new hardware for algorithm performance improvementEvaluate new hardware for algorithm performance improvement Deploy data-adaptive attribute parameters developed by Tengfei LinDeploy data-adaptive attribute parameters developed by Tengfei Lin Thang Ha Sumit Verma
Improved performance for some embarassingly parallel algorithms 3 Should run our MPI code Should run our embarassingly parallel code: dip3d spec_cwt, cwt2d Brad Wallet
4 AASPI 2015 Workplan GeomorphologyGeomorphology Have license to large 3D data volumes from New Zealand and Australia – contains volcanic intrusives, carbonate banks, turbiditesHave license to large 3D data volumes from New Zealand and Australia – contains volcanic intrusives, carbonate banks, turbidites Shallow hazardsShallow hazards Working on license from ENI on hazard dataWorking on license from ENI on hazard data Salt segmentationSalt segmentation Working on license with PGS to 3600 mi 2 from GOM shelfWorking on license with PGS to 3600 mi 2 from GOM shelf
Original seismic Spectral amplitude Stacked seismic with segmented salt Semblance meters meters meters meters Amp L H L H 0 L H L H 0 Salt Image Segmentation Jie Qi
meters Salt top 3D model top salt boundaries Salt Image Segmentation Jie Qi
7 (Milos Cvetkovic UH Thesis 2006) 2D CWT (timeslice) filtering for data conditioning Marcus Cahoj, Mohsen Alali
8 (Milos Cvetkovic UH Thesis 2006) 2D CWT (timeslice) filtering for data conditioning Marcus Cahoj, Mohsen Alali
Shale dewatering – west Africa (t=3.2 s) Texture 1 Texture 2 Texture 3 20 km AASPI 2015 Workplan: Large scale texture analysis Marcus Cahoj, Mohsen Alali
Current Fault Enhancement 10 Laplacian of a Gaussian: coherencesmooth sharpen
New Fault Enhancement Algorithm New Fault Enhancement Algorithm 11 Directional derivative of an oriented Gaussian: Smooth along fault (v 1 and v 2 ) Sharpen perpendicult to fault (v 3 ) Weight planar features Suppress features parallel to stratigraphy Gabriel Machado, Mohsen Alali, Bryce Henderson
12 Skeletonization Skeletonization Mohsen Alali (Bo Zhang, 2013)
13 Scattered energy from rugose or fractured surfaces AmpLow High 1500 ft Azimuthally limited stacks Parallel to fault Perpendicular to fault Gao (2012) Change in spectra as a function of incidence angle 13 Fangyu Li
Correlation of microseismic moments withCorrelation of microseismic moments with –Structural fabric (strike of curvature and faults)? –AVAz and VVAz? Correlation of rate of penetration withCorrelation of rate of penetration with –Tectonic deformation? –Geomechanical properties from prestack inversion? Correlation of chemical fluid traces withCorrelation of chemical fluid traces with –Faults and lineaments seen on attributes? –Geomechanical properties from prestack inversion? Correlation of core- and log-based TOC withCorrelation of core- and log-based TOC with –Geomechanical properties from prestack inversion? –Spectral attributes? AASPI 2015 Workplan – Calibrating with ground truth Ian Stark, Rachel Petit Joe Snyder Xuan Qi? Tao Zhao? Sumit Verma, Tao Zhao
15 AASPI 2015 Workplan Diffraction imaging CLSM with cosθ obliquity factor Time- processed shot gathers Migration velocities Migrated gathers dip3d Dip and azimuth cosθ CLSM with (1-cosθ) obliquity factor Diffraction image? Demigrated shot gathers stack Yuji Kim
16 Please sir, can I have some more: Time-lapse seismic before and after hydraulic fracturing? Chemical Fluid Tracer (CFT) data from multistage hydraulic fracturing? Gas chromatography while drilling (to detect C2 vs. C8 molecules)?
17 AASPI 2015 Workplan Suggestions from the floor?