CS-EE 480 Fall September, 2006 University of Portland School of Engineering Project Pilot Rock Stanford’s Restaurant and Bar lighting design Team Ethan Prevost Kristin Glanville Advisor Dr. VanDeGrift Industry Representative Mr. Jonathan Fant
CS-EE 480 Fall September, 2006 University of Portland School of Engineering Overview Introduction Scorecard Additional Accomplishments Plans Issues/Concerns Conclusions
CS-EE 480 Fall September, 2006 University of Portland School of Engineering Introduction The project is a lighting design schematic for a Stanford’s Restaurant and Bar being built at the Northgate Mall in Seattle, Washington. A 3-dimensional fully enclosed model will be used to demonstrate the lighting. The intensity of the lighting will be presented using the simulator program AGI.
CS-EE 480 Fall September, 2006 University of Portland School of Engineering Layout of the Restaurant
CS-EE 480 Fall September, 2006 University of Portland School of Engineering Scorecard – Previous Plans Begin calculations of wattage per square foot. –Power calculation came out to be.95 W/sq.ft. Layout the initial placement of the luminaires. –Accomplished, and all fixtures resemble local Stanford’s Restaurant and Bar Simulate the lights in AGI making sure that we have the proper light levels –All lamp data has been estimated and simulated
CS-EE 480 Fall September, 2006 University of Portland School of Engineering Additional Accomplishments Created an estimated budget sheet of costs and a life sustainability estimate Gathered resource books and read through them Ran initial egress lighting calcs in AGI Chose initial dimmers and emergency battery packs Held our Design Review
CS-EE 480 Fall September, 2006 University of Portland School of Engineering
CS-EE 480 Fall September, 2006 University of Portland School of Engineering
CS-EE 480 Fall September, 2006 University of Portland School of Engineering Plans Start determining switch zones Do circuit calculations Run more egress lighting calculations Gather materials for model and start building
CS-EE 480 Fall September, 2006 University of Portland School of Engineering Milestones NumberDescriptionOriginal 9/26/06 Previous 11/23/06 Present 11/03/06 1Product Approval10/07/0611/22/06 2Plan Approval11/10/0611/22/06 3Visit Stanford’s Restaurant11/5/0611/05/06 4First Placement of Light Fixtures 12/01/06 5Design Release12/08/06 1/31/06 6TOP’s Approval02/23/07 7Architectural Model Built02/16/07 03/16/07 8Light Circuitry added to Model 03/16/07 04/06/07 9Prototype Release04/13/07 10Founder’s Day04/17/07 11Final Report04/23/07
CS-EE 480 Fall September, 2006 University of Portland School of Engineering Concerns/Issues The preliminary dimmers chosen will work with the control switches Making the architectural model look decent Making practical switch zones
CS-EE 480 Fall September, 2006 University of Portland School of Engineering Conclusions Completed Design Review Got through the most unsure part of the project Did a lot of work over the break and we are now set up for a good new semester