ADDITIONAL VENUE BRANDING Within Event Ground Tsh150,000 /day Main entrance TSH 200,000/day Stage TSH. 300,000/day Note: Flags preferred to banners
Sponsorship Benefits Why should I sponsor The Automotive Festival 2010? Sponsorship impacts on the visitor more powerfully than any other marketing tool A direct, cost-effective route to your target market Strategic brand association, Increased publicity amongst your target market at the event Sponsorship implies a degree of altruism absent from other marketing tools Adverts are often "screened out", sponsorship integrates the message with the visitor experience Initiate direct contact with potential clients, VIP’s and fellow exhibitors Unrivalled networking opportunities Benefit from extensive branding across the Show All of the above can be achieved using a combination of our unique sponsorship opportunities
SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES Packages Include: 1. Presenting Sponsor2. Titanium Sponsor 3. Platinum Sponsor 4. Silver Sponsor 5. Bronze6. Internet
SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES Presenting Sponsor TSH 30,000,000/= (Exclusive event Title at this level) Organisation name incorporated in the official event name Acknowledgement as the exclusive Presenting Sponsor in all materials (print and electronic) Top banner placement on the automotive festival website with an optional link to your website. Main entrance branding and Presentation stage Right to survey audience for market research regarding corporate product related information. Rolling Power Point Presentation of your products & services Corporate name and logo printed, 1 st tier position on all event printed material. Exclusive right to brand promo crew costume (Ushers) Right to two display stands and Unlimited banners on event ground Logo hyperlink on Auto fest website Dedicated Press conference for announcement Logo placement on all participants certificates
SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES… Titanium Sponsor TSH 20,000,000 (Only two sponsors at this level) Acknowledgment from the stage during the luncheon program Acknowledgement as an automotive festival Titanium Sponsor in all materials (print and electronic). Sponsor logo and an optional link from the automotive festival website to your website Right to survey audience for market research regarding corporate product related information. Rolling Power Point Presentation of your products & services Corporate name and logo printed, 2 nd tier position on all event printed material. Right to one display stands and 10 banners on event ground Event Sign ways branding Logo hyperlink on Auto fest website Right to distribute company premium in event and/or product gift bags at venue.
SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES… Platinum Sponsor TSH 15,000,000/= (Only three sponsors at this level) Acknowledgement as an automotive festival Sponsor in all materials (print and electronic). Corporate name recognition in presentation of entire event. Corporate name and logo printed, 3 rd tier position on all event printed material. Right to one display stand and 8 banners on event ground Logo hyperlink on Auto fest website Rolling Power Point Presentation of your products & services Right to distribute company premium in event and/or product gift bags at venue.
SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES… Silver Sponsor TSH 10,000,000 (Only five Sponsors at this level) Acknowledgement on the stage Sponsor Sign Corporate name and logo printed, 4 th tier position, on all event printed material Corporate name recognition in presentation of event. Right to one display stands and 6 banners in play ground Logo hyperlink on Auto fest website Rolling Power Point Presentation of your products & services
SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES… Bronze Sponsor TSH 5,000,000 (Unlimited Sponsors at this level) Acknowledgement as an automotive festival Bronze Sponsor in all materials (print and electronic). Corporate name and logo printed, 5 th tier position, on all event print material. Right to distribute company premium or product gift bags at venue. Right to one display stand and 4 banners Rolling Power Point Presentation of your products & services Logo hyperlink on Auto fest website
SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES… Internet Sponsor Corporate name recognition in presentation of entire event. Corporate name and logo printed, on all event printed material. Right to brand press conference Right to one (1) stand and 2 banners on event ground Corporate name mention in all radio and print advertisements.
We look forward to your participation. Any questions, please feel free to contact us at : c: t: (+255) Thank you for your support!