IMS Learner Information Packaging for data exchange between Student Records and VLE Scottish Teknical User Group Graeme Robertson, ICT Manager, Falkirk College of Further & Higher Education
Scottish Teknical User Group Partners Falkirk College Fife College Glenrothes College Stevenson College Stowe College Teknical SITS Vision Capita FHE
Infrastructures All colleges share common VLE Teknicals Virtual Campus Wide variation of Student Record Systems Initial implementation carried out within two colleges running SITS M.I.S. Demonstrate that we can provide MLEs built of components from a number of suppliers
Specifications Agreement of a common specification of extensions for FE within the consortium colleges Take account of any Scottish Sector specific issues Poll all stakeholders throughout our colleges Scottish Teknical User Group
Project Plan Definition Identify required data elements of LIP Describe vocabulary for data elements, including required FE extensions Model XML schema for this implementation of LIP Development Develop and test export routines from MIS and import routines into VLE. Implementation Test working model on colleges installed Student Record Systems and VLEs
Project Plan Live Testing Phase Trial working system on live college systems Develop operation procedures and protocols specific to each colleges stakeholders needs Prepare for post-project implementation phase College MIS and VLE staff demonstrate creation and import of learner records on colleges live systems Colleges produce institution-specific procedures and protocols for use of inter-operating systems Colleges produce post-project implementation plans Extension Implementation extended to other MIS systems