ART & D E S I G N C E N T E R C E N T E R n a t u r a l l i g h t s i m p l i c I t y dynamic S L E E K MODERN Warm, open, inviting design making it easy for students to navigate through the building and to feel welcome! BIG impact and response from users
BUBBLE DIAGRAMS 1 st Floor 2 nd Floor 3rd Floor 4 th Floor
BLOCK DIAGRAMS 1 st Floor 2 nd Floor 3rd Floor 4 th Floor
LIGHTING PLAN Lighting Tasks include: circulating through the gallery Point of sale Task areas (framing) Generally task lights are used Track lighting on the outside allows for better display Central lighting lights up the space Track lights are usually halogen (prevent artwork from photo degradation) MR16 halogen flexible wall Lights
CONNECTIONS Public areas should be connected Administrative and staff spaces should be completely separate with a different entrance Galleries, when closed and locked, should be silent, dark, and impenetrable
FLOW Flow affects lighting Flexible track lighting allows for changing displays and shows Spot lighting on tighter flowing spaces is easier to maneuver Moveable walls allow for changing flows and demand more flexible lighting
VIEWING LEVELS & ANGLES Eye level changes affect how people view things Seating options in galleries Art work displayed in multiple levels Lights must be angled 30 degrees from straight down to eye level for a flat piece To have a properly lit 3-D object, lights between 30 and 45 degrees from horizontal and the same angle from vertical best mimics sunlight
TRACK LIGHTING Very adjustable Glare-resistant Available with filters Remote-control option Low-voltage Spotlighting
PRODUCTS Lightolier ProSpec track lighting heads –Incandescent line voltage –Incandescent low voltage –Director Remote Controlled Sightline Track Systems –S, P, R, RR
PUBLIC RESTROOM LIGHTING Sufficient light for users to identify signage Wall sconce is placed high on the North wall. Valence luminaire (not perminately attached to a building) placed in toilet stalls and urinal areas. In lavatory area, a vanity luminaire is placed directly above each sink. Designed to place a non-glare illumination on users faces + sufficient lighting for hand washing. Intensity of fc At vanity counter 2 vertically mounted fluorescents w/ wraparound translucent shields. N
-wall mounted fluorescent luminaires - - provides direct/indirect lighting at each landing OR -ceiling mounted fluorescent luminaire w/ down + side light distribution. STAIR LIGHTING Wall Mounted Fixtures Side-mounted fluorescent light
CORRIDOR LIGHTING -Recessed fluorescent troffers placed every 16’ OR -wall sconces -surface mounted luminaires -wall-mounted battery pack units at required intervals (emergency lighting) Installation Photos
SOURCES Lighting Design Basics Mark Karlem & James Benya Lighting Design Basics, 2004 Interior Graphic Standards Mary Rose McGowan & Kelsey Kruse Interior Graphic Standards, by Sabrina D’Agostino and Katie Connors