Kathy Prather, Director, Career and Technical Education Tucson Unified School District NCLA Best Practices Conference September 29-October 1, 2010 Oregon, Ohio Proposed National Board Certification for CTE Administrators An Interactive Discussion
What is NCLA? Core Values & Purpose I. Core Values: Leadership Professional development Networking Quality Innovation II. Purpose: NCLA Purpose: Advancing leadership, advocacy, and professional development for CTE administrators through a network of peers.
NCLA Mission III. Mission: NCLA Mission: Creating conversations that result in innovative change. Top 5 reasons for joining NCLA: –Opportunity for networking on a national level with career and technical administrators. –Advocacy at national levels for policy initiatives that advance career and technical education. –A professional newsletter distributed two times a year that spotlights key activities and best practices. –A professional organization responsible for lobbying and disseminating information around key legislation for career technical education. –Sponsorship of a fall professional development conference that highlights best practices along with visitations to exemplary Career- Technical Centers and programs.
NCLA Membership Visit for a membership applicationwww.ncla-cte.org Active and Associate Membership Dues is $20.00 per year Emeritus and Retired Membership Dues is $5.00 per year
Why the NCLA Board is Looking at a National Certification for CTE Administrators: A national certification based on common attributes would provide consistency in measuring effectiveness of CTE leaders CTE is a highly specialized and dynamic area of education in continual need of improved recognition The elevation of the profession of CTE leadership and its importance to our nation’s workforce development and economic future The need to develop, recognize, motivate and retain effective CTE leaders
Other Ideas-Why?
NBPTS- National Board Professional Teaching Standards National Board Core Propositions for Accomplished Educational Leaders:
Small Group Activity Divide into Three Groups. Each group will work on one of three core areas: –Skills: Leadership, Vision and Management –Applications: Culture, Learners/Learning and Instruction –Dispositions: Ethics, Equity and Advocacy Each small group will brainstorm and record on the chart paper ideas and statements the group feels should be core to a CTE leadership credential. Feel free to add other areas.
Share Results
What’s Next? Results of this interactive session will be shared with the NCLA Executive Board at their next meeting on March 2011, in Washington, D.C.
Questions, Comments?