1 10 pt 15 pt 20 pt 25 pt 5 pt 10 pt 15 pt 20 pt 25 pt 5 pt 10 pt 15 pt 20 pt 25 pt 5 pt 10 pt 15 pt 20 pt 25 pt 5 pt 10 pt 15 pt 20 pt 25 pt 5 pt Words A-E Words F - J Words K - O Words P - S Words T - Z
2 Soil that is rich in nutrients and capable of being farmed for crop production
3 Arable
4 The Constitution of Germany
5 Basic Law
6 The most powerful house of the German Parliament
7 Bunderstag
8 The weak association of member countries that were once part of the British Empire
9 British Commonwealth Or Commonwealth of Nations
10 Democratic form of government requiring a vote by all citizens for every government decision
11 Direct Democracy
12 The price of one nation’s currency in terms of another nation’s currency
13 Exchange Rate
14 An area where there are no trade barriers like tariffs and quotas among participating countries; for example NAFTA & the European Union
15 Free-Trade Zone
16 The total value of all goods and services produced within a country in ONE year
17 Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
18 To improve their economy countries invest in workers through education, skills, training, and healthcare
19 Human Capital
20 In a parliamentary system, the symbolic leader of the country
21 Head of State
22 A country that’s government is run by a King or Queen, the symbol or figure-head of a country; “the Crown”
23 Monarch / Monarchy
24 Countries that rely and depend and rely more on manufacturing and technology than farming industries. They generally have a high standard of living
25 Industrialized Country
26 Putting money into a bank account, stocks, bonds, or mutual fund that pays interest
27 Investing
28 What you see of a single large rock sticking out of the earth. Ayers Rock is an example of this.
29 Monolith
30 An economy that blends characteristics of both command and market economies, but falls closer to one form or the other
31 Mixed Economy
32 National Socialist Party of Germany stated by Adolf Hitler
33 Nazi Party
34 Factories, machines, technologies, buildings, and property needed for a business to operate
35 Physical Capital
36 The leader of the Roman Catholic Church
37 The Pope
38 Money left over after business and personal expenses are subtracted from business and personal income
39 Profit
40 In a command economy being told by the government what and how much to produce in a certain time; or a limit placed on the number of imports that may enter a country
41 Quota
42 A limited supply of a particular product, natural resource, or raw material
43 Scarcity
44 The division of labor; work is divided into parts for workers, factories, or countries to become expert at producing certain goods
45 Specialization
46 Developing nations that do not have much industry and rely upon farming. The also have lower standards of living
47 Third World Countries
48 A Spanish governor of conquered and colonized American territory
49 Viceroy
50 The Basic Law of Germany states that the government guarantee certain benefits to the unemployed, poor, disabled, old, and sick
51 Welfare State