Supporting further and higher education e-Learning and Pedagogy overview Helen Beetham Programme Consultant
Supporting further and higher education e-learning that is pedagogically sound, learner focused and accessible pedagogically soundlearner focused accessible Design for Learning projects Understanding my Learning projects Work with development strands and JISC services and flexible
Supporting further and higher education learning activities specific interactions of learners with environments, to achieve specific outcomes (LD?) learning outcomes Describe the target knowledge and skills, and give feedback/ assess appropriately learning environments Provide appropriate tools, facilities, services and resources for the learning task learner characteristics Take into account learners skills and knowledge, learning needs, motives and approaches, and provide alternatives design for learning perspective
Supporting further and higher education Design for learning Practitioner perspective, or curriculum perspective Planning, designing, delivering and evaluating learning Based around the learning interaction or task: –which learners? –asked to do what? –to achieve what outcome(s)? –using what tools and resources? Our aims: Review and investigate what makes for effective practice in design for learning Help practitioners to make more effective design decisions (including re-purposing/re-use) Define criteria for evaluating effectiveness of designs Help develop systems and specifications that support effective design practice Develop sharable/re-usable descriptions
Supporting further and higher education learner characteristics learning outcomes learning environments Design specific interactions of learners with environments, to achieve specific outcomes (LD?) Describe the target knowledge and skills, topic and subject area (LOM?) Provide appropriate tools, facilities, services and resources for the learning task Take into account learners existing skills and knowledge, learning needs, motives and approaches to learning… (LIP/UK LEAP?) design for learning perspective understanding my learning perspective What am I being asked to do? Have I done something like this before? What help can I get? Who am I working with? What is my role? Why am I doing this? Do I enjoy this? What skills and knowledge will I be using? What am I supposed to learn from this? What do I know about this already? How will I be assessed? What do I use (tools/ resources)? How do I use this? Can I use it well (access, competence, preference)? learning activities
Supporting further and higher education Understanding my learning learners experience of e-learning? Learner perspective Participating in and reflecting on learning Based on the learning interaction or activity: –What am I being asked to do? –With whom? Using what skills and knowledge? –Using what tools and resources? –What will I learn? Also a longitudinal or developmental perspective –Who am I as a learner? –What are my goals and needs?
Supporting further and higher education Our aims: Review and investigate how learners experience and participate in e-learning Help practitioners support learners with different needs, experiences and preferences Define criteria for evaluating e-learning experiences Help develop systems/specifications that –support the range of different activities/interactions –meet the range of learner needs and preferences –enable positive learning experiences Understanding my learning learners experience of e-learning?
Supporting further and higher education Review our understanding of e-learning Research what we still need to know Reflect on and analyse outcomes Represent our new understanding of e-learning Apply those representations to development scenarios, user needs, evaluation criteria… to practice guidelines, case studies, toolkits, evaluation criteria… A common development cycle
Supporting further and higher education e-ped activities mapped to e-Learning themes Learning design –Describe range of approaches to learning design –Investigate the support needs of practitioners –Illustrate and communicate examples of effective design practice –Review learning design tools –Evaluate LAMS and other tools used in learning design –Systematically describe features of learning tasks and interactions Assessment –Systematically describe features of learning tasks and interactions (mapped to types of assessment) –Review of e-assessment in collaboration with other agencies –Describe the range of learners needs, motivations and preferences (mapped to types of assessment) –Describe learners experience of e-learning, including e- assessment –Describe range of assessment approaches
Supporting further and higher education e-ped activities mapped to e-Learning themes Collaboration and discussion –Systematically describe features of learning tasks and interactions –Describe the range of learners needs, motivations and preferences –Describe learners experience of e-learning, with a focus on collaboration and discussion Personal development planning and e-portfolios –Review of e-portfolios in collaboration with other agencies –Describe the range of learners needs, motivations and preferences –Describe learners experience of e-learning, including integrative activities and PDP –Describe range of PDP approaches Content re-use, repurposing and repositories –Rich descriptions of tasks/interactions and learner needs to enable repurposing and re-use
Supporting further and higher education e-Learning and Pedagogy session (12.00 today) Present outcomes in more detail Explore how these relate to the work of the DeL projects Discuss the pedagogic evaluation process for the DeL tools projects Discuss other ways in which Pedagogy and Distributed e- learning can work together
Supporting further and higher education For more information: outcomes of the design for learning theme, particularly relevant to the pedagogic evaluation of DeL tools general overview of the programme, including the new understanding my learning theme and current projects Effective Practice with e-learning publication and case studies Programme Manager Programme Consultant
Supporting further and higher education e-learning that is pedagogically sound, learner focused and accessible pedagogically soundlearner focused accessible e-learning learner characteristics learning outcomes learning environments learning activities