Flowers Think about how Form meets Function? (What does each part need to do and how does the shape help it do that?)
Leaves Think about the color Think about the shape Think about the risks a plant must face The primary function of a leaf is photosynthesis Leaves also protect (from predators and from drying out)
Roots Think about the shape Think about the materials inside (what roots do we eat?) Think about placement (underground) The primary function of a root is for water absorption (through root hairs) Roots also function to store resources (starches, sugars, nutrients) They also anchor a plant in place (protection from wind and water)
♀ (Carpel) ♂
Flower Parts: Sepals: protect the flower while it is developing from a bud Petals: used to attract pollinators (insects and birds)
Petals Think about the pattern (it may look different in visible vs. UV light) Think about the scent Think about the color Think about the function of the flower (reproduction) The function of a petal is primarily to attract a pollinator! Pollinators bring genetically unique pollen to fertilize the egg deep within the flower.
♀ (Carpel) ♂
Female Parts of the Flower Pistil/Carpel: all the female parts together – Stigma: covered in a sticky substance that pollen from another plant will stick to – Style: raises the stigma away from the ovary to reduce chances of self-pollination – Pollen Tube: tube that pollen of the right species will make to travel down to reach egg – Ovary: Protects the ovule – will become the fruit after fertilization – Ovule: will produce one or more eggs and become a seed around embryo after fertilization – Egg: like an egg in animals – contains ½ the genetic information to form a new individual
♀ (Carpel) ♂
Male Parts of the Flower Stamen: All the male parts together – Anther: Contain pollen sacs that release pollen onto pollinators who then transfer it to the stigma of another flower – Pollen: similar to sperm in animals – contains ½ the needed genetic material to make a new individual – Filament: the stalk of the anther that puts it in position to be picked up by pollinators
♀ (Carpel) ♂
Armorphophallus titanum 2.7 m flower “stinking strongly of putrefying roadkill and colored deep burgundy to mimic rotting flesh” What do you suppose pollinates this flower – the largest flower in the world?
Notice the liquid on the tips of the stigma. This helps the pollen stick and also hydrates it.
Notice the ovules that are exposed after cutting. These will be pollinated by pollen that lands on the stigma.
♀ (Carpel) ♂