By Alessandro, Andrea and Samuele CLASS: 1^ E SCHOOL: «Norberto Bobbio»To SCHOOL YEAR 2014-2015 Teachers: Susanna Jaffei, Anna Luzzi and Caterina Belcastro
What does C.L.I.L. mean? C.L.I.L. is an acronym: C - Content L - Language I - Integrated L - Learning David Marsh
C.L.I.L. is.... Science in English We study some topics about Science in English. C.L.I.L. project in our class the 1°E is about these topics: Galileo Galilei Water cycle Cell Plants
GALILEO GALILEI Galileo Galilei is an Astronomer and a Scientist. He isn’t the inventor of spyglass but he discovers how to see the stars and the Universe. In 1633 he is accused by Church of heresya In the last years of his life he was very ill and then he becames completely blind.
The water cycle The Sun’s heat provides energy to evaporate water from oceans, rivers and plants (called transpiration). The vapor goes up and gets cold, it condeses into clouds and changes into liquid as rain, hail and snow. When rain water falls back to the Earth a part soaks into the ground; then through the roots it passes to plants and then flows to the oceans crossing to the rivers and ground water level.
The cell All living organisms on Earth are divided into cells. The cell is the basic structural unit of all organisms. The main purpose of a cell is to do some functions but every cell has a different work to do. Humans have hundreds of different cell types.
Plants: THE FLOWER Style Stigma Anther with pollen Ovary Filament Petals Sepals Peduncle Receptacle
PLANT LIFE CYCLE Pollination - Fecondation - Germination Pollen Stamen Seed Pistil Fruit Ovary