Nuclear Power Regulatory Overview The Keys To Our Success By Bob Wills RRPT GEL Laboratories, LLC
Key Objectives αREMP-RETS & 10 CFR 61 Activities αNRC – ODCM – REG Guides – NUREG-BTP’s αIsotopes of Concern (How Hard To Look) αQA/QC Regulatory Requirements αReview Rad-Waste BTP & REMP BTP αMARLAP
What Factors Drive QA/QC in US Nuclear Facilities? NRC Title10 CFR 61 (Waste) Title 10 CFR 50 (Effluents) Title 10 CFR 21(Problem Reporting NRC BTP On Radioactive Waste Classification Specific Isotope Requirements NUREG/ CR 6230 How To Book For Analytical Methods NRC Regulatory Guide 4.15 QA/QC Laboratory Requirements MARLAP (NUREG-1576 ) New and Improved How To Book REG GUIDE 1.33 QA Requirements (Operation) INPO Good Work Practices NUREG – 1301 Off Site Dose Calculation Manual Guidance: Standard Radiological Effluent Controls for PWR’s Site ODCM / FSAR
Key Elements Outlined In Title 10 CFR 61 αClassification of waste for near surface disposal αConsiderations given to long lived radionuclides and their shorter lived precursors (Parent to Daughter) αConsideration must be given to the concentration of the radionuclide αConsideration must be given to the physics form of the radionuclide (Normal or Special Form)
Key Isotopes For Waste Classification As Noted In 10 CFR αC-14 αNi-59 αNb-94 αTc-99 αI-129 αPu-241 αCm-242 αAlpha emitting nuclides with T1/2 greater than 5yr αAll nuclides with T1/2 less than 5yr αH-3 αC0-60 αNi-63 αSr-90 αCs-137
NRC NUREG 6239 αRadioanalytical technology for 10 CFR 61 selected radionuclides αAnalytical methods for C-14, Co-60, Ni-63/59, Tc-99, Sr-90, Nb-94, I-129, Cs-137 αAdditional isotopes βBe-7/10, Al-26, Cl-36, Mo-93, βCd-109/113m, Sn-121m/126
How low do you need to go for 10 CFR 61 isotopes? αLimits as noted in the BTP page 5 are 0.01 times the value as noted in Table 1 or Table 2 αGEL’s administrative limits are 1000 times lower than the required limits Lets review the values in BTP page 5...
Analytical Requirements in the ODCM αWithin the ODCM you have license requirements for analytical testing αThe Environmental Monitoring section lists requirements for interlaboratory comparison programs βThis may apply to 10 CFR 61 programs βWould this be a good work practice for INPO?
Key Isotopes for REMP αGross Alpha / Beta (Air Samples) αTritium (Ground and Drinking Water) αCo-60 (Ground and Drinking Water / Food) αCs-137(Ground and Drinking Water/ Food) αI-131 (Milk and Air Samples) αNi-63 (Ground and Drinking Water) αFe-55 (Ground and Drinking Water) αSr-89 & 90 (Ground and Drinking Water
How low do you need to go for REMP analysis? αAll LLD’s (MDC) listed are “a-priori” or prior to the count (page 40 NUREG- 1301) guidance for ODCM αLimits as noted in the REMP BTP NUREG-1301 page 64 Table αAll programs are driving MDC’s well below the required limits αMany plants are requesting Tritium at 150 pCi/L
NRC Regulatory Guides & NUREGs
NRC Regulatory Guide 4.15 αRecords: Track and Control of Samples, Instrument Data (Backgrounds, Calibration Data etc.) αRadionuclide Reference Standards used for Calibration (NIST traceable) αPerformance checks required with control charts αCorrective action program to review conditions that fall outside the predetermined control value
4.15 Guide Continued αAlpha and gamma detectors energy calibration αEnergy resolution checks for spectrometry systems αQuality control samples βIntralaboratory Analysis (Duplicates), LCS, Method Blank αData Review and Computational Checks αAudits of laboratory systems
MARLAP Overview of MARLAP Volume I, II, III
MARLAP Table Of Contents Review αVolume 1 section 3.0 Sample Matrix Planning αVolume 1 section 8.0 Data V&V / Quality Control Samples etc. αVolume II section 12.0 Laboratory Sample Prep. αVolume II section 15.0 Quantification of Radionuclides αVolume II section 16 Data Acquisition, Reduction and Reporting αVolume II section 18 Laboratory QC
Ni-63 Beta Spectrum
Tc-99m Beta/Gamma Spectrum
Tc-99 Beta Spectrum
Fe-55/Fe-59 Beta Spectrum