Small Talk
Casual Greetings Hey, Hi, Hello How are you? Whats up? How's it going?
Small Talk Nice conversations about common interests. Usually to fill small amounts of time or silence.
When do We Make Small Talk? On the elevator On the bus/train In passing; in the hallway, on the street, etc. When we're waiting... for food, for the bus, for a game of basketball, for class to start, etc.
Brainstorm What do Chinese people make small talk about?
American Small Talk Greetings The Weather, Health, Family, Food, Hometown, Jobs, Hobbies, Holidays, Sports, Fashion, etc. Location- Where are you? Plans - What are you doing later?
Activity: Lets Make Small Talk Work with a partner. I will show you a topic. You have 30 seconds to start talking about it. Talk about the topic for as long as you can.
Topic 1: Hometown [Example] Student 1:...Where are you from, anyways? Student 2: Wisconsin. I lived in Madison from the time I was two until I was eighteen. Student 1: Are you serious? My little brother goes to school there. I just went to visit him last month. I stayed in his dorm by the lakeshore. Student 2: Haha! I have so many friends that have lived there. I've spent a lot of time there. Where are you from? Student 1: Not too far away. I grew up in Iowa. Have you ever been there?
Topic 2: Hobbies
Topic 3: Food
Brainstorm What should you not talk about?
Bad Topics for Small Talk Religion Politics Death Salary ($$$) Gossip
Gossip Game Choose a Foreign Teacher, or a Celebrity to Gossip About
Example: Mr. Kane Kane's clothes look very wrinkly today. Did he sleep in them last night? Does he ever wash them? Mr. Kane's reminds me of a dog. First, he had long hair. Then, he has a beard. Now, he just smells bad.
Gossip about Lady Gaga
Complaining To express pain, unhappiness, or other problems you are having.
Complain about this Class
Complain about the School
Complain about anything
Other Ideas Gossiping, Complaining, “Hitting on”
Complaining with Idioms Its too _____ Its too hot ou here. Wow, its hot. Idioms: I'm melting. This line is too slow. Whats taking so long? Idioms: My hair is turning gray. Idioms: I'm so hungry I could eat a horse.
Optional Game Make fun of the teacher - See who can say the funniest thing about the teacher. Be clear that it is not acceptable to disrespect each other, but it is okay to make fun of the teacher during the game Would also work as an impromptu game if a student ever makes fun of another student particularly harshly in class, or if there is a general trend towards students being mean to one another.