Axilla and Breast Zainab Hassan Albar Domenstrator in Anatomy Department 1 st session
Axilla Axilla is a pyrimad shape between upper part of arm and side of chest. Apex : it is bounded infront by clavicle, behind by scapula and medially by outer border of first rib. Base : Formed by skin stretching between Ant. And Post it is bounded infront by ant.axillary fold (which is made by Pectoralis Major Ms.), behind by Post.axillary fold ( which is made by Latissimus Dorsi and Teres Major ) And medially by chest wall.
Axillary Walls Ant. Wall : Made by Pectoralis major, subclavius and Pectoralis minor. Post. Wall : Made by Subscapularis, Latissimus dorsi and Teres major. Medial wall : upper 4 or 5 intercoastal space and serratus anterior ms. Lat.wall : humarus and bicips and coracobrachialis ms.
Contents of axilla axillary artery Axillary vein Axillary lymph nodes Brachial plexus.
Breast Anatomy
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