o Portable low-cost aerial drone that can be used for reconnaissance o Relay real-time video and data, like location, heading, battery life o Take high-resolution.


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Presentation transcript:

o Portable low-cost aerial drone that can be used for reconnaissance o Relay real-time video and data, like location, heading, battery life o Take high-resolution pictures of the ground in flight o Store photos and some flight data in non- volatile memory, á la “blackbox” system. o Control drone manually via a control unit

 Three main functional blocks:  Power: LTC1174 (3.3V switching regulator) and application circuit, FSAL200 (analog multiplexer), DS2438 (battery monitor) and application circuit, opto-isolator  Microcontroller: AT32UC3C0256  Sensors/Peripherals: XBee, MPU-6050 (IMU), BMP085 (altimeter), HMC6352 (compass), SD card

 LTC1174: relatively high power and complex compared to other components on our board, high criticality failures associated with failure of this device  AT32UC3C0256: high complexity, relatively high criticality failures  FSAL200: low complexity but high criticality failures

 Model: λ P = (C 1 π T + C 2 π E )π Q π L  λ P = Total failure rate: 1.86x10 -7 per hour

 Model: λ P = λ BD π MFG π T π CD + λ BP π E π Q π PT + λ EOS  λ P = Total failure rate: 4.619x10 -7 per hour

 Model: λ P = 20λ B π T π Q π E  λ P = Total failure rate: 6x10 -6 per hour

Failure No.Failure ModePossible CausesFailure EffectsMethod of DetectionCriticality P-1 LTC1174 Output = 0V External short, decoupling capacitor short Plane stops flyingObservationHigh P-2 LTC1174 Output > 3.3V Failure of U1 or sensorsControl of plane transfers to COTS controller Observation (controls through computer stop working) Medium P-3 LTC1174 Output out of tolerance Failure of L2, clamping diode, or decoupling capacitors Possible loss of control of plane ObservationHigh P-4 Opto-isolator output 0VBurnout, excess current draw from video system (short) Loss of video streamingSoftware checklow P-5 FSAL200 No Output Passed too much current, transistor aging Loss of control of planeObservationHigh P-6 FSAL200 Stuck at microcontroller output GPIO failure, internal buffer failure, transistor aging Dormant control failurePre-flight testLow P-7 FSAL200 Stuck at COTS controller output GPIO failure, internal buffer failure, transistor aging Loss of control through micro ObservationLow P-8 DS2438 Incorrect data SPI failureInvalid battery dataObservation (plane may be unable to climb when it apparently has enough power) Medium

Failure No.Failure ModePossible CausesFailure EffectsMethod of DetectionCriticality M-1PWM failureSoftware error, mechanical vibration/shock, power out of tolerance, transistor aging Plane stops flyingObservationHigh M-2UART failureSoftware error, mechanical vibration/shock, power out of tolerance, transistor aging Transfer of control to COTS controller, possibly only loss of GPS data Observation (controls through computer stop working) Medium M-3SPI failureSoftware error, mechanical vibration/shock, power out of tolerance, transistor aging Loss of data storing capability, loss of compass data ObservationLow M-4I2C failureSoftware error, mechanical vibration/shock, power out of tolerance, transistor aging Loss of motion sensing ability Software checkLow M-5GPIO failureSoftware error, mechanical vibration/shock, power out of tolerance, transistor aging Loss of control of planeObservationHigh

Failure No.Failure ModePossible CausesFailure EffectsMethod of DetectionCriticality S-1XBee Loss of communication UART failureTransfer of control to COTS controller ObservationMedium S-2MPU-6050 IMU incorrect data I2C failureLoss of motion dataSoftware checkLow S-3SD card not storing dataSPI failureLoss of “Black Box”Observation after flight, possible software check Low S-4Altimeter incorrect dataSPI failureLoss of altitude sensing capability Software checkLow S-5Compass incorrect dataI2C failureLoss of headingSoftware checkLow S-6GPS incorrect dataUART failureLoss of location dataSoftware checkLow

 Relatively low reliability  Even if this product were brought to market, production volumes and amount of use would be very low  Intended for use in relatively remote areas  Software will be able to monitor for some low-criticality failures

 Questions?