Valuing Diversity - Human Dimensions -
People respond differently…… some feel it’s an adventure and are excited and stimulated some feel it is a mission or a duty and just have to get on with it some feel it is a forced march and are fearful and cautious some feel out of control and are overwhelmed, depressed and demotivated
Use personal styles to know yourself and others know yourself –how you may be seen –how your style may cause tension for others –use your strengths –remember & avoid traps your style may cause know others –how can you make others more comfortable –observe & learn how others respond to you Adapted from Merrill D.W., Reid R.H. (1983) Personal Styles and Effective Performance: make your style work for you CRC Press
Personal styles Ask patient co-operative avoid risk Tell impatient fast paced risk taker When faced with decisions will you: Question others and gather data about what to do Tell others what you think /feel should be done
Personal styles Are you comfortable with facts controls emotions relies more on facts for decision making can be perceived as remote / aloof shows emotions relies more on feelings for decision making can be perceived as warm / approachable Are you comfortable with feelings
Analytical formal measured + systematic seek accuracy / precision dislike unpredictability and surprises Driver business like fast + decisive seek control dislike inefficiency and indecision Amiable conforming less rushed + easy going seek appreciation dislike insensitivity and impatience Expressive flamboyant fast + spontaneous seek recognition dislike routine and boredom Not everyone has 100% of one style Personal styles Facts Feelings AskTell
Task: consider how do you behave under stress, what are your fears about change? Analytical under stress: fears: Driver under stress: fears: Amiable under stress: fears: Expressive under stress: fears:
Under stress analytical driver amiable expressive Gets over focused on detail May withdraw Worries, so tries to avoid hassle Keeps head down Seeks chocolate! Is energised Will become assertive Seeks control Rises challenge at first but may get stressed May flip to dark side
Fears about change analytical not enough information making a wrong decision being forced to decide driver loss of control failure lack of purpose amiable damaged relationships confrontations not being recognised for efforts expressive being ignored being asked for detail being linked with failure
Under extreme stress analytical driver amiable expressive Will become aggressive offensive or Sarcastic Will become autocratic Struggle to sustain Will submit to process Will look for support elsewhere Will withdraw, not quietly
The Driver Command Specialist Perceived positively as: Decisive Independent Practical Determined Efficient Assertive A risk taker Direct A problem solver Perceived negatively as: Pushy One man/woman show Tough Demanding Dominating An Agitator Cuts corners Insensitive
The Expressive Social Specialist Perceived positively as: Verbal Inspiring Ambitious Enthusiastic Energetic Confident Friendly Influential Perceived negatively as: A Talker Overly dramatic Impulsive Undisciplined Excitable Egotistical Flaky Manipulating
Perceived positively as: Patient Respectful Willing Agreeable Dependable Concerned Relaxed Organized Mature Empathetic Perceived negatively as: Hesitant Wishy Washy Pliant Conforming Dependent Unsure Laid Back Organized The Amiable The Relationship Specialist
The Analyst Technical Specialist Perceived positively as: Accurate Exacting Conscientious Serious Persistent Organized Deliberate Cautious Perceived negatively as: Critical Picky Moralistic Stuffy Stubborn Indecisive
Understanding others - and yourself ! there is no type or style which is better We can complement each other - or conflict! there is no type or style which is better We can complement each other - or conflict!
Think about your team and the people you work with? Do you have similar styles? Are you all the same or different? Where are the gaps? What does this indicate? What should you do?
When dealing with Driver style; Do Focus on present Be brief & efficient Get to the bottom line Focus on short term Concrete results Give them options Let them feel in control Stress how Driver will win with proposition Don’t Focus on the long term Give too much detail Be ambiguous Beat around the bush Get too personal Get into a control contest Back down if you believe you are right
When dealing with expressive style; Do Focus on the future Illustrate with stories Encourage their input Focus on the big picture Show personal interest Stimulate creative impulse Compliment them Stress how expressive will stand out from others Don’t Get straight down to business Dwell on details Be impatient with side conversations Nit pick Be cool & impersonal Be too serious Diminish their enthusiasm
When dealing with the Amiable style; Do Focus on tradition Be flexible Be easy and informal Be personal & personable Allow time to feel good Emphasise a team approach Stress how the amiable can be ‘safe’ Don’t Push for too much detail Press hard to change things Hurry them Push for immediate commitment Be cool & impersonal Confront or attack them Be dictatorial or autocratic
When dealing with Analytical style; Do Focus on past, present & future Talk facts Focus on detail & accuracy Be logical & well organised Be precise in what you will do & when Allow time for reflection Stress how Analytical can be assured of being right Don’t Be vague, inconsistent or illogical Be intolerant of details Overlook the past Rush things Be too personal Be overly casual Appear not to be serious Press for immediate action
Language to influence You are about to embark on a significant safety improvement project to transform a service. Prepare a presentation to another personality style using language to appeal to their particular personal style to persuade them this is a good initiative and bring them on board. Prepare your 3 minute presentation and decide who will present to the group.
Wants: Analytical Perfection Driver Power Amiable Peace Expressive Popularity
Review How was the message received by the other personality style? What was the experience of the group presenting to prepare the presentation, how easy or difficult did you find it? What did it feel and sound like from your personal style perspective?
“Growth Actions” to improve your versatility If you are an Analytical: Declare, take a stand, make a decision Show emotional support for the feelings of others Show some excitement and involvement in a relationship Talk personally with people about their ideas, not dwell strictly on technical and abstract subjects If you are a Driver: LISTEN Build cooperation into work relationships, talk about other people’s ideas Avoid the temptation to answer every question immediately Learn to make social small-talk! If you are an Amiable: Initiate action, provide some direction and stick to goals and objectives Limit the extent to which you pull others into your personal matters Keep communication more in line with business manners If you are an Expressive: Check, slow down enough to consider the facts and feelings of others Center conversation less on self Tone down emotional reactions by presenting factual information and assist in defining goals Talk more slowly and less during stressful situations Materials adapted with permission from Diane Miller, Director of Organizational Development at Virginia Mason Medical Center From IHI International Conference in Orlando 2002
Style is an explanation, not an excuse No good or bad, right or wrong Beware of simplistic stereotyping Remember 75% of population not in your quarter