A Study on Retailer’s Perception about Anand Asahi Water meters
Perception Perception may be defined as the process by which an individual organise and interpret their sensory information in order to give meaning to their environment. It is one of the factors which influence buying decisions.
Company & Product Profile The study was conducted for Anand Water meter Manufacturing Company Pvt.Ltd. Water Meters-A devise used to measure water usage in a public water system. Types- *single jet water meters *multi jet water meters
Benefits with water meters installed Adequate and regular supply of water due to improved pressure. Conservation of water that helps retain underground water table due to reduced water wastage. Elimination of illegal connections. Substantial reduction in average monthly bill. Increase in the number of connections for poor households due to affordable water supply.
Objectives To know the source of awareness among the retailers about Anand Asahi water meters. To study the satisfaction of retailers with the Anand Asahi water meters. To study the satisfaction of retailers with services provided by Anand Asahi water meter manufacturers. To know the satisfaction of retailers with the customer support provided by Anand Asahi water meter manufacturer. To know the satisfaction with product performance of water meters.
Research Methodology Type of research- Descriptive Data Collection-Secondary and primary Sample Size- 35 hardware shops dealing with Anand Asahi water meters. Sampling technique- Judgmental sampling Data collection tool- Questionnaire with questions using interval scale Data Analyzing tool- SPSS, MS excel
Limitation Time constraint of three weeks for the completion of the project. The selling of water meters needed license from the meteorological department and most of the retailers didn’t have that. So most of the retailers were reluctant to speak out.
Analysis and Interpretation
Table 1 Table showing types of water meters sold by respondents TypesFrequencyPercentage Single jet Multi jet514.3 Both Total35100
Table 2 Table showing the Source of awareness about the brand SourcesFrequencyPercentage Advertisements25.7 Company executives925.7 Other retailers411.4 Customer demands Total35100
Table 3 Table showing high demand for the product
Table 4 Table showing the quality of the product
Table 5 Table showing reasonable price of the product
Table 6 Table showing availability of the product in the market ResponseFrequencyPercentage Always Sometimes Never12.9 Total35100
Table 7 Table showing timely delivery of the product ResponseFrequencyPercentage Always Sometimes Never12.9 Total35100
Table 8 Table showing complaints about the product
Table 9 Table showing redressal of complaints ResponseFrequencyPercentage Always Sometimes Never12.9 Total35100
Table 10 Table showing satisfaction with the product performance of brands Brands No. of satisfied respondants* 3 No. of neutral respondants* 2 No. of dissatisfied respondents*1 ScoreWASRank Anand276295/ Chambal84032/ Nepson1003/ Kranthy0113/ Konark0102/ Aquamet32013/52.604
Graph Graph showing satisfaction overall satisfaction level of respondents with Anand Asahi water meters
Findings Customer demands -main source of awareness high demand in the market-single jet Available at reasonable price,especially single jet water meters. Slight drop in quality good finish-single jet water meters had more finish compared to multi jet water meters.
Cont.. Widely available in the market and often delivered in time Complaints reported about the product- (more on single jet) Customer complaints redressal procedure good Product performance of Anand Asahi water meters is really good.
Conclusion From all this it is evident that company has made its mark in the market and is in its phase of maturity. They can be called as the market leaders and is dominating in almost all parts of the city. Since the perception of the customers about the product is really good, there is more scope for the company to grow further,as perception is the most important factor in customers that influences buying decision.
Suggestions Needs to pay more attention on advertisements and also on other promotional activities -Print media. Quality can be improved further-strengthen the R&D department Price should be lowered- atleast Rs 5 less than the prices of other brands..
Cont.. Finish of the product should also be improved. Induce more knowledge to the retailers about the product,. Company sales force should be well trained The company should fasten their complaints redressal measures. Guarantee period should be extented
THANK YOU By Nikin Babu FM-219