INTERACTIVE MEDIA AUTHORING Unit 17 INTERACTIVE MEDIA AUTHORING LO3 - Be able to create an interactive media product following industry practice
LO3 – Assessment Objective Learning Outcome (LO) The learner will: Pass The assessment criteria are the pass requirements for this unit. The learner can: Merit For merit the evidence must show that, in addition to the pass criteria, the learner is able to: Distinction For distinction the evidence must show that, in addition to the pass and merit criteria, the learner is able to: 1 Understand principles of interactive media authoring P1 Summarise accurately the principles of interactive media authoring with some appropriate use of subject terminology M1 Compare and contrast interactive media authoring products D1 Explain the benefits and drawbacks of the different formats that can be used to deliver interactive media authored products 2 Be able to devise an interactive media product P2 Generate outline ideas for an interactive media product working within appropriate conventions and with some assistance M2 Produce annotated design documentation for an interactive media product to meet a client need 3 Be able to create an interactive media product following industry practice P3 Create an interactive media product following industry practice, working within appropriate conventions and with some assistance M3 Make improvements to an interactive media product in response D2 Evaluate the stages of the production process showing how industry practice has been followed
Assessment Criteria P3, M3, D2 P3 - Learners need to create an interactive media product that meets the agreed specification and follows industry practice and working within appropriate conventions. The product should consist of at least 10 pages/ screens and include a range of interactive elements and show a range of skills used within the authoring tool. Evidence should also be provided that files have been stored and named appropriately. This may be the product planned in P2/M2. Some assistance can be given to the learner. Learners need to show that they have worked within appropriate conventions considering time management, possibly through using a GANTT chart and logs. Testing the product should be also carried out using a test plan/table. It is not essential for learners to find errors but as this is an iterative process, all errors found throughout can be shown being corrected using before and after screenshots. The evidence will be the actual product. M3 - Learners should improve their interactive media product following user feedback. Feedback sheets, questionnaires or interviews should be given to at least five members of the group (identified in P1). It is important that the audience completing the feedback sheets are aware of what they are testing and what the product is intended to do and provide an opportunity for the target audience to identify possible improvements. At least two appropriate improvements should be made to the program. It should be noted that these should be changing or adding to the program and not correcting functional errors (e.g. links) or mistakes (e.g. spelling). Evidence must include the feedback forms and screenshots to show before and after the changes were made and could be evidenced in the form of a report. D2 - Learners should evaluate the stages of the production process to identify that industry practice has been followed efficiently. The reflection should be thorough and make use of appropriate relevant technical language with minimal spelling and grammatical errors. It should demonstrate that they fully understand the production process and be supported with examples from their own work and industry authored products. This could be evidenced in the form of a report or presentation.
LO3 - Be able to create an interactive media product following industry practice To allow learners the best chance of being creative, it is essential for them to have enough time to become familiar with the software that they are using. Key aspects of the programs can be taught using a variety of methods such as tutor led demonstration, step-by-step tutorials, or video tutorials. Learners should be encouraged to research independently advanced skills to enhance their own knowledge. Learners should be given an overview of asset management, and effective time management. By this stage, learners should be familiar with the software they are using and the techniques they need to cover to create an interactive media authored product, including publishing to an appropriate format and should have been given the opportunity to create product using the software and assets that they have sourced.7 Interactive Media Authoring Level 3 Unit 17 Learners should be taught effective methods for testing. A test plan/table would be a suitable way to do this considering functionality, usability, completeness, accuracy accessibility, performance and how well it has met the original requirements. This could be practiced on existing products created commercially and within the group. They should then be taught how to review feedback from users effectively to make improvements to their product. This is effectively done with small groups feeding back on the work of others and suggesting improvements. Tutor led discussion with hand out examples could help to show examples of industry practice, as well as how to collect meaningful feedback from test users by using suitable questions which covers all aspects of the product as well as strengths and weaknesses. Learners should then be given products to evaluate against these criteria to identify that these practices have been followed.
LO3 - Can interactive media product – Project Structure Now that all the elements have been gathered and stored, it is essential to the client and to the running of the program on your and other machines that all elements are stored in a location that is appropriate so that relative pathing with the package can access these files without the convention of renaming them. Standard conventions for file names and locations include: Folder names for each separate file format or Media Element (Pictures in picture Folder, Animations in Animation folder etc.) File Names should be obvious (Badger image.jpg not bgrpiclol.bmp) File Names should be short but not too short, convention is between 8 and 15 letters. For Web Pages file and folder names should try to avoid spaces. Files should be small in size as long as it does not reduce image, video or sound quality. Animations should be 16 frames per second or more and contain at least 4 states. Sound files should be saved as MP3 to increase compatibility. Video files should be AVI, WMV or MP4, not QTM or M4A. Images like Videos should be proportional (usually 4:3 if possible) Animation backgrounds should be transparent if possible. Animations should be saved as .GIF format. Text files should be saved as .TXT Task 1 – P3.1 – Evidence the creation of a folder structure with Sub folders for all the elements within your Multimedia product. Explain the need for this in terms of file security, compatibility and ease of production. Task 2 – P3.2 – Evidence that the files saved within the folders are appropriately named. Explain the need for this in terms of file security, compatibility and ease of production. Task 3 – P3.3 - Evidence that your files and folders have been backup up to a secure location over a period of time. Explain the need for this in terms of file security, production needs and meeting deadlines.
LO3 - Can interactive media product – Project management Now the elements are gathered and ready, the project is ready to begin. You will need to demonstrate this by producing plans and schedules. A Gantt chart is a plan of action for a project, using this you can see what tasks need to be done by a certain date and what concurrent tasks should be happening and if there are any tasks that need to be performed before the next begins. For example you can’t build a roof of a house without first building the walls. Remember you can have certain tasks being performed at the same time. You might want to produce this in Excel. HINT – Look at your Unit 17 – Checklist (what activities do you need to do?) Task 4 – P3.4 - Create a GANTT chart to illustrate your action plan. Task 5 – P3.5 – Create a time plan table using that takes into consideration Milestones and dependencies for the project based on your Gantt Chart. Task No Task Description Resources Needed Start Date Finish Date Milestones Dependencies Feedback and Outcome
Your external hyperlinks LO3 - Can interactive media product – Project Production Task 6 - P3.6 – Evidence the Creation of the multimedia product you have designed, using the multimedia elements you have created/edited. Print screen each page and explain how it works and identify all areas covered Explain each stage and explain how you used appropriate file formats in this production process. Task 7 – P3.7 – Illustrate a variety of interactive features used within the multimedia product. Text Graphics Animations Sounds Range of Videos Audio Files Multimedia Effects Interactive Elements Diagrams/ Charts Interactive element Your external hyperlinks Interactive game Timelines
LO3 - Can interactive media product – Project Production There is a range of standard features the client has specified that need to be evident within the production that will need to be evidenced. Task 8 – P3.8 – Illustrate the use of a navigation system within the multimedia product Print screen evidence of the navigation system created. To achieve a higher grade, you need to consider the entire multimedia product Provide evidence that you have done this Task 9 – P3.9– Illustrate the use of a variety of Program features for the production of this project. Task 10 – P3.10 – Illustrate the use of a variety of Functional features for the production of this project. Creation of Page Buttons Creation of Menu Page Creation of Alternative Pathways Timeline Menus Toolbars Libraries Setting properties Applying transitions/Effects Inserting/ importing and aligning text.
LO3 - Can interactive media product – Project Production There is a range of more advanced features the client has specified that need to be evident within the production that will need to be evidenced. Task 11 – P3.11 – Illustrate the use of a navigation system within the multimedia product Print screen evidence of the navigation system created. To achieve a higher grade, you need to consider the entire multimedia product Provide evidence that you have done this Task 12 – P3.12 – Illustrate the use of a variety of Program features for the production of this project. Task 13 – P3.13 – Illustrate the use of a variety of Functional features for the production of this project. Hotspots and Captioning Scripting e.g. Lingo, ActionScript Advanced Timeline Actions Drag and Drop Elements Forms Controls for Audio and Video or the Game
Pass – Basic multimedia product created, with the use of: LO3 - Can interactive media product – Project Testing Now the product is complete and before the client and customers get to see it, you need to test it to iron out the bugs. Faults will still naturally occur but your biggest worry is that the client needs to see that it is nearly complete and perfect. Task 14 – P3.14 - Create a test table that can be used to test your multimedia product – see next page for example of test table structure Pass – Basic multimedia product created, with the use of: Navigation Links and Pathways Accuracy or Spelling and Grammar Alignment of Elements Text appropriateness Internal and External links Graphics and Animation Sound Volume and Background Noise Audio Appropriateness, Volume and Background Noise Multimedia Effects Interactive Elements Merit – Appropriate multimedia product created with addition elements and features used, such as: Digital and other images Interactive Game Range of Animations Range of Sounds and Audio Files Range of Videos Range of different conditions (for example screen resolutions, different storage areas such as CD/Memory stick/Hard drive) Robustness and stability of product in different conditions Completeness and Accuracy Readability and Clarity Accessibility (easy to use, clear text size) performance - works in different situations (e.g. laptop and PC).
What am I expecting to happen 1 - Test Table Example Test Number What am I testing Where am I testing? What am I expecting to happen What did happen Action taken Evidence 1 Running product from CD Network Drive Slight delay in startup while product is loaded into memory – all functions to work as if running from hard-drive. Delay was negligible – all functions worked as they should. Video was slightly slower to work. None needed. Print screen 1 and 2. 2 My Documents 3 USB Stick 4 CD
LO3 - Can interactive media product – User Testing There are different methods companies choose to get feedback and support from customers before releasing a product on the market such as Questionnaires, Interviews, product testing, Sampling and Beta Testing. Each of these has its merits in terms of feedback and support that is provided. Task 15 – P3.14 - Produce a questionnaire to seek feedback about your product Remember you can use a questionnaire to test things you can’t - other people’s opinions. Think about what you originally set out to provide and ask questions around this. Colours – suitable – good contrast Text style Ease of use Helpful messages Links Quality Task 16 – P3.15 - Use your questionnaire to seek feedback from test users Print out the results gathered.
LO3 - Can interactive media product – Improvements Feedback sheets, questionnaires or interviews should be given to at least five members of the group (identified in P1). It is important that the audience completing the feedback sheets are aware of what they are testing and what the product is intended to do and provide an opportunity for the target audience to identify possible improvements. At least two appropriate improvements should be made to the program. It should be noted that these should be changing or adding to the program and not correcting functional errors (e.g. links) or mistakes (e.g. spelling). Task 17 – M3.1 – Analyse the results of the testing and feedback and review the suggested possible improvements. Explain why these have been suggested. Improvements CANNOT be based around cosmetic change, consider the purpose and audience you intend to target – Has that been achieved? Task 18 – M3.2 - Carry out suggested improvements in order to improve the effectiveness of your Multimedia Product. Evidence must include the feedback forms and screenshots to show before and after the changes were made. Provide screenshots to show you have done this.
LO3 - Can interactive media product – Publishing Once a product has been completed, improvements made, feedback listened to and further improvements made and is now ready for release, your client needs to consider where the final output product is best located to improve sales or reach their target audience. For instance a location finder for services run by the council would be best stored online and in a booth in the council offices, this would mean that there are two versions, one that is touchscreen and more intuitive and the website version which is more accessible and more in the public domain so has to be more PC. A learning program for educational purposes might be best on CD or DVD but could also be kept on a server or website depending on the availability of computers and whether the school allows their students access to CD drives. A game or GPS might be better as a mobile app but the screen is smaller so the interface needs to be easy to manage with larger icons and possible tilt sensitive. It will also need to be smaller in file size, the average app is not that large so other considerations need to be taken for maximum audience reach. Task 19 – P3.19 – Discuss and evaluate the final output needs of the product In terms of location, file format, accessibility and evaluate the benefits and limitations of each format. Task 20 – P3.20 – Evidence exporting your finished product and explain your choices in terms of the file format, characteristics, file size, resolution and location compatibility of this output. Self-running product CD/DVD-ROM Website Mobile app.
LO3 - Can interactive media product – Good practice The final stage of any project is to review the successes and failures of the task and production in order to benefit future productions. This should be done in comparison to a similar project with evidence comparing the two final productions. Task 21 – D2.1 – Produce a comparative Product review of the final product against the brief, client needs and user needs. Task 22 – D2.2 – Produce a comparative Project review of the overall production process against the brief, client needs and user needs linking this to Industry practice. Design Usability Functionality Readability Accessibility Timings Costs Deadlines Milestones Production process Technical ability Industry practice has been followed efficiently
Task List Task 1 – P3.1 – Evidence the creation of a folder structure with Sub folders for all the elements within your Multimedia product. Explain the need for this in terms of file security, compatibility and ease of production. Task 2 – P3.2 – Evidence that the files saved within the folders are appropriately named. Explain the need for this in terms of file security, compatibility and ease of production. Task 3 – P3.3 - Evidence that your files and folders have been backup up to a secure location over a period of time. Explain the need for this in terms of file security, production needs and meeting deadlines. Task 4 – P3.4 - Create a GANTT chart to illustrate your action plan. Task 5 – P3.5 – Create a time plan table using that takes into consideration Milestones and dependencies for the project based on your Gantt Chart. Task 6 - P3.6 – Evidence the Creation of the multimedia product you have designed, using the multimedia elements you have created/edited. Task 7 – P3.7 – Illustrate a variety of interactive features used within the multimedia product. Task 8 – P3.8 – Illustrate the use of a navigation system within the multimedia product Task 9 – P3.9– Illustrate the use of a variety of Program features for the production of this project. Task 10 – P3.10 – Illustrate the use of a variety of Functional features for the production of this project.
Task List Task 11 – P3.11 – Illustrate the use of a navigation system within the multimedia product Task 12 – P3.12 – Illustrate the use of a variety of Program features for the production of this project. Task 13 – P3.13 – Illustrate the use of a variety of Functional features for the production of this project. Task 14 – P3.14 - Create a test table that can be used to test your multimedia product Task 15 – P3.14 - Produce a questionnaire to seek feedback about your product Task 16 – P3.15 - Use your questionnaire to seek feedback from test users Task 17 – M3.1 – Analyse the results of the testing and feedback and review the suggested possible improvements. Explain why these have been suggested. Task 18 – M3.2 - Carry out suggested improvements in order to improve the effectiveness of your Multimedia Product. Task 19 – P3.19 – Discuss and evaluate the final output needs of the product In terms of location, file format, accessibility and evaluate the benefits and limitations of each format. Task 20 – P3.20 – Evidence exporting your finished product and explain your choices in terms of the file format, characteristics, file size, resolution and location compatibility of this output. Task 21 – D2.1 – Produce a comparative Product review of the final product against the brief, client needs and user needs. Task 22 – D2.2 – Produce a comparative Project review of the overall production process against the brief, client needs and user needs linking this to Industry practice.