Through the eyes of the learner Key findings and thoughts on the learners use and perceptions about e-learning Ellen Lessner, JISC Learner Experience Scoping.


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Presentation transcript:

Through the eyes of the learner Key findings and thoughts on the learners use and perceptions about e-learning Ellen Lessner, JISC Learner Experience Scoping Study 7 July 2006

JISC E-Learning and Pedagogy Overall aim: to ensure that e-learning in the UK post-16 sector is: pedagogically sound, learner-focused and accessible

And the point is? The learner experience is changing Formal and informal learning is taking place on the www as well as in coffee bars What do we know about this experience? Scoping study literature review (Sharpe et al, 2005) found that most research was teacher or institution based Outside of the classroom, not many people were asking the individual learner about their experience of technology and learning

The situation:

This strand aims to: The Learner The Practitioner The Developer The managers The design of buildings and spaces

The studies hope to find out… How do learners experience e- Learning? What makes for an effective e- learner? What aspects of the learner behaviour need closer scrutiny? What aspects of the learner experience are effective and can be built on?

3 JISC funded projects

Scoping, support and synthesis Literature review of HE, FE and ACL found very little research from the learners point of view Much of the literature is teacher focused or evaluated a specific course or technology Concept maps and a report are available from

LEX study structure – HE,FE,ACL Start from the premise that learners are experts on their own experiences Has completed 22 interviews and 6 focus groups to gather information – 55 learners 3 HE, 4 FE, 2 ACL Community based Work based LearnDirect Undergraduates and post graduates Adults learning online at home and at work

Emerging themes from the LEX study… Personalisation of environment Influence of/on family Strategies/ways of coping Motivation to use technology Control & choices Course design issues Fitting learning around life Expectations of technology Time management

Its complicated!

Findings from the draft of the LEX report: Emergent themes were common across all sectors, ages and stages of learning Few learners talked about e-learning. For most it was simply another method to help them learn Effective learners were those who were confident, able to network through a variety of communication channels, highly effective time managers, and had the skill to integrate and balance learning with work, leisure and family commitments Technology rates as a relatively minor factor in the profiles of those who might describe themselves as effective learners!

The learner perspective (LEX) - What factors influence what I do with my learning? What factors influence how I feel about my learning? Control Identity Feelings Relationships Abilities

Learner XP project – Exploring subject differences - HE IT, Medicine, Languages and Economics In conjunction with HE Academy subject centres 500 online surveys completed 86 audio logs completed 8 interviews to be completed Its not yet clear whether the use of e- learning is discipline neutral (Conole)

Three interesting points 1. There is a mismatch between an institutions perception of the use of technology by learners and the actual use. (Grainne Conole, 5/6/06) 2. Analogue institutions in a digital world" Chris Yapp, Head of Public Sector Innovation, Microsoft, 5/6/06) 3. There is an underworld of texting and messaging. (Creanor, et al)

A word about research methods Flexible to meet the widely differing situations of learners, capturing the learner voices through interviews, focus groups, audio files and questionnaires Current methods of analysis of data need to be adopted, redefined, and tested…. Evolutionary (Creanor)

Time out ! Most of us are learners as well as teachers Are you a digital immigrant or native? A bit of fun…

4. In a committee 3. MySpace 2. Public meetings 1. In the bar Q1. Where did most of the action take place during the recent NUS elections? No, not this time Apparently not this time Yes, and you are up to date or read the Guardian When they are older this will be the right answer For fun Source: Victor Keegan, Opinion, TechnologyGuardian, 1 June 2006

4. A social online community 3. A blog site 2. A bolt hole from work 1. A place to design a kitchen Q2. What is MySpace? No, you probably dont know anyone under 21. No, not in this context No, not really Yes, well done! You probably know someone under 21. For fun

4. All of them 3. Edinburgh 2. Leicester 1. Oxford Q3. Which British University is experimenting with podcasting lectures? Do they know what a podcast is? Yes, 10 minutes which include a joke or rap Maybe, but they werent in the news! Probably in the not too distant future For fun Source: The Guardian Education Higher Diary, 6 June 2006

4. Its greek to me 3. A blog is private and a wiki isnt 2. A wiki is private and a blog isnt 1. A wiki is Hawaiian and a blog isnt Q4. What is the difference between a wiki and a blog? Wiki wiki is Hawaiian for rapidly Yes, you can choose who you allow to access a wiki No, you can search for blogs You arent alone! For fun

Whats your e-story? An from a colleague The difference e-learning makes to some Deaf students Video case studies – A day in the life of 5 learners and their use of technology to support their learning. A work in progressA work in progress

For more information JISC e-Learning and Pedagogy website: Sarah Knight, Programme Manager- Pedagogy and Innovation Strands of the JISC e-Learning Programme Ellen Lessner, Scoping, Support and Synthesis Group for the Learner Experience Projects,