The HILT Pilot Terminologies Server Dennis Nicholson: Centre for Digital Library Research, Strathclyde University.


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Presentation transcript:

The HILT Pilot Terminologies Server Dennis Nicholson: Centre for Digital Library Research, Strathclyde University

Overview n Introduction n Scope n Design n Current state of play n Other Points to Note n Underlying Logic

Introduction n Terminologies server for JISC I.E.: u Pilot server u Explore issues u Design requirements for full server u Focus on collection level requirements u Costs and benefits u Based on mapping between schemes (HILT Phase community consensus)

Scope n Collection level only, so: u Accept and disambiguate user query; Identify appropriate collections [Y] u Provide information on subject schemes used [Y] u Guidance on how best to search collections; sample retrieval [Y] u Facilities to improve legacy metadata interoperability problems[N]

Design n Wordmap; three elements: u Database (Oracle) of terminology mappings u User front end that interacts with database according to staff specifications and user input and feedback u Drag and drop, multi-user interface to support sophisticated staff interaction with database for creation and maintenance of maps, inter-service co- ordination and training

Design n Comprehensive: u DDC spine; captions from schedules; relative index; standard subdivisions u LCSH to DDC mapping (maybe) n Selective; illustrative: u UNESCO to DDC; User terms set; MeSH, AAT?

Design n User enters subject term n Term matched to terminology set and mapped to DDC n Options and disambiguation n DDC number truncated and mapped to collections database to identify appropriate collections n Information on scheme used; advice; sample retrieval

Design n Pilot acts as a portal; uses own collections database (SCONE) n Specification: m2m with other portals and IESR n Collections database (IESR): u Classified by DDC u Sub-collections; collection strength u Subject scheme used at item level

Current state of play n (Simple) Pilot well advanced n User and staff workshop planned in June to refine requirement n Further development and issues research planned after workshop n Cost benefit analysis planned – using INSIGHT methodology n Completion: end September

Other Points to Note n Simple pilot to explore issues and specify more complex operational collection level service: u User need several terms? (combined) u Multiple disambiguation choices? n Next phase would build service and explore item level issues n Many user level issues also: u Profile, task, skill level at subject query expression

Underlying Logic n Perfect retrieval if fully fit for purpose standard scheme always fully understood and correctly and consistently applied by both staff and users and legacy metadata problems vanish overnight n An unlikely scenario at best but shows aim of terminologies server must be to: u Improve accurate and consistent description by staff u Improve accurate and informed searching by users u Provide mechanisms to facilitate improved retrieval from legacy metadata u Monitor, learn from user terminology sets

Underlying Logic n Improve accurate and consistent description: u UK versions of standard terms on central server u Scheme extensions on central server – standardized across services u Sample retrieval from collections showing staff the kind of resources that should be described in particular ways using a particular scheme u Online training for staff

Underlying Logic n Improve accurate and informed searching by users: u minimize staff changes to standard schemes u make changes, extensions known to users u user training u System facilities that allow users to see and explore the scheme used u Optimise the extent to which the terminologies server can recognize terms used by users and map them intelligently to the scheme used by a collection

Underlying Logic n Provide mechanisms to facilitate improved retrieval from legacy metadata: u Central repository of frequently used UK amendments and extensions u Service specific variations and advice? u Automated help to facilitate description upgrades?

Underlying Logic n Monitor, learn from user terminology sets: u Central server can improve retrieval performance by facilitating speedy mapping of user terminology sets to standard terminologies

Further Information n Website: n u u u u