Miss Thomas
Meet Miss Thomas Wildcat at heart Graduated from Indiana University of Pennsylvania in 2010 Bachelor’s Degree in Early Childhood and Elementary Education & Concentration in Reading (Certified PreK-Grade 6) Currently pursuing Special Education Certification from IUP 2 nd year teaching at Mt. View Elementary 4 th year with Greater Latrobe School District
Language Arts StoryTown Core Reading Program Weekly Spelling List in Yellow Bee Book Leveled Reading Books/Small Group Instruction Homework: Reading Book, Poetry Folder, Book in a Bag, High-Frequency Word practice Assessments: Weekly Spelling and Reading Tests (Friday)
Math We will cover four critical areas in math: Addition & Subtraction Numbers and Operations in Base Ten Measurement and Data Geometry The math program (GO Math!) is from the same publishers as our reading series. You will be able to access information on Think Central. This information can be found on the district web site.
Science Discovery learning through hands on experiences. Weather Solids and Liquids
Social Studies Citizenship Holidays Resources for the Future
Health Keeping Healthy Dental Health Nutrition
First Quarter Conference We will have a parent teacher conference to discuss your child’s progress on Wed., Nov. 6 th or Mon., Nov. 11 th. Before you leave, please select a date and time. Sign-up sheets are located on the back table.
Classroom Management
Listen. Raise your hand to speak. Keep your hands and feet to yourself. Share. Help others. Use your manners. Put things away. Take turns. Classroom Rules
Rewards and Consequences Individual and Whole Class
Students begin each day with their worm on green apple. If students remain on green apple the entire day, they will earn a “punch” on their Good Apple Punch Card. When students fill their card (earn 10 punches), they will receive a prize from the treasure chest.
One warning will be provided before moving a student’s worm from green to yellow apple. Landing on yellow apple will result in a discussion with the teacher and loss of playtime. Landing on red apple will result in an additional discussion, loss of playtime, and phone call home.
“Brownie Points” are earned together as a whole class. The class will earn brownies by working together. For example: following the rules, being kind, and receiving compliments. When the brownie pan is full (24 brownies), the class will be rewarded.
I’m excited to begin a year of fun and learning together!
Miss Heather Thomas If you need to contact me: Send in a note Call MVES: (724) Other School District Information can be found at:
I’m so glad you were able to join me! Please take some time to look around the room with your child. Don’t forget to visit our encore teachers, guidance counselor, nurse, PTO, and Spirit Wear Sale! Enjoy the rest of your evening.