Heterodon nasicus Keeled scales, not smooth scales. Curved rostral scale. (looks like a upward curved nose)
Ficimia streckeri Smooth scales, has a shine to them Upward curved rostral scale. ( nose)
Crotalus atrox Diamond pattern on back, small head scales With a rattle
Sistrurus catenatus Blotches on back, large scales (plates ) on head With a rattle
Rhinocheilus lecontei Red may not be as distinct, complete bands on body Aka. Longnose snake
Micrurus tener Red bands touch yellow bands Bands are complete
Lamporopeltis triangulum Red band touches black band and are complete
Nirodia erythrogaster Has no pattern on belly
Nerodia Rhombifer Pattern on belly Chain link pattern on back Water snake
Nerodia fasciata Pattern on belly. bands on back. Water snake
Opheodrys aestivus Solid green color Non fossorial
Masticophis flagellum Not solid green!!!! Scales on tail look braided Coach whip
Coluber constrictor Solid in color light/dark Typical tail scale pattern Divided anal scale Offten with whitish chin, & green/grey dorsum
Drymarchon corais Dark in color Yellowish chin, and sides Single anal scale Indigo snake
Leptotyphlops dulcis Looks like a earthworm with eyes Looks like a snake Pinkish in color
Rhamphotyplops braminus Looks like an earth worm but looks like a snake. Uni colored, dark blue or black With light color on chin or cloaca
Storeria dekayi Keeled scales May have faint dorsal stripe & lateral pattern
Sonora semiannulata Smooth scales small, unicolored DOES NOT HAVE A DARKER HEAD THAN BODY!!!
Tantilla gracilis Small size Smooth scales Head is slightly darker than its body
Tantilla nigriceps Small in size Smooth scales Head is distinkly darker than its body
Drymobius margaritiferus Mostly speckled Speckles that are mainly blue or green
Lampropeltis getula Mostly speckled Speckles mainly white and yellow With dark bloches on top
Coniophanes imperialis Striped Dark dorsal stripe
Masticophis schotti striped no dorsal stripe but there are stripes on its side which may be a bit light
Salvadora grahamiae striped Light dorsal strpe Enlarged rostral scale Pencil thin dark line near belly scales
Thamnophis marcianus Striped With a light spot on its head Distinct checkered pattern Defined dorsal stripe
Thamnophis proximus Striped Spot on its head Dorsal stripe from head to tail
Elaphe emoryi Blotched Bread loaf shaped which means flat on bottom Spear point on head
Elaphe obsoleta Bloched Round in cross section NO spear point markin
Pituophis catenifer blotched Round in cross section Keeled scales
Leptoderia septentrionalis Vertically pupil eyes Large brown bloches on golden background
Hypsiglena torquata Dark NECK smudge!! Many dark blotches Vertical eye pupil
Arizona elegans Round pupil No pattern on belly Known as the “Glossy snake”
Lampropeltis calligaster Light brown/grey in background color. With redish brown blotches bordered by black Smooth scales Round pupil Square blotches on belly