LHCb CO 2 cooling meeting Burkhard Schmidt – February 18, 2015 1.


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Presentation transcript:

LHCb CO 2 cooling meeting Burkhard Schmidt – February 18,

2014 – Q34: Requirement document by VELO and UT 2015 – Q12: Development and definition of evaporator systems – Q23: Concept P&ID Preliminary sizing Control philosophy Redundancy approach – Q3: P&ID document & functional analyses – Oct 2015: Cooling EDR – Q4 start of design 2016 – Q123 Detailed 3D design of hardware Evaporator, junction box, transfer line, cooling plants – Oct 2016: Cooling PRR – Q4 Production of transfer line and junction box 2017 – Q1 Transfer line and junction box installation (EYETS, 19 weeks) – Q1234 Production of the cooling hardware 2018 – Q12 cooling system installation in UXA (preferred place: A-side alcove) – Q234 Cooling system over junction box commissioning – Q3 start of LS2 – Q4 Removal of current VELO and TT 2019 – Q2 Upgrade VELO and UT installation – Q34 Detector commissioning with cooling – Q4 end of LS2 Schedule Comments:  The schedule is driven by – the LHC schedule, – the LHCb upgrade plan and – the availability of resources in PH-DT: Design effort in 2015/2016 Construction 2017 Installation and start of commissioning in

Status and Plans Cooling specifications: Discussions took place on December 3 (UT) and January 14 (VELO)  We are still waiting for the updated versions ! Development and definition of evaporator systems: We are facing special challenges for the VELO with micro-channel cooling The situation for UT is simpler, but tests with vertical staves are needed  A work plan has been prepared and will be re-discussed today P&ID document & functional analyses: Work will start when basic issues related to the evaporators are clarified, hopefully by May.  The aim is to have the cooling EDR in October 3

Development and definition of evaporator systems I.Investigation of a micro-channel substrate based evaporator 1.Commissioning of the TRACI AIDA cooling station for the test-purposes 2.Preparation of Snake2 prototype micro-channel substrates and 3.soldering of connectors to the micro-channel substrate  A simpler solution might be possible based on clamps and O-rings 4.Preparation and debugging of the test-setup 5.Performance measurements  Work to be done by Bart, Tomasz, Pawel,  Work to be completed by April

Evaporator performance studies From Bart’s presentation in the last meeting: Micro-channel substrates behave different than tube evaporators. The full behavior must be understood by tests. A verification program is needed to map the thermal behavior. This is important input for the flow distribution design.  Important to gain a good understanding of the hydraulic impedance behavior of micro-channel substrates 5 Example of flow-dP mapping  no capillary with capillary  Inlet: 2mm x 4m Stave: 2mm x 4m Outlet: 2mm x 4m Inlet: 1mm x 4m Stave: 2mm x 4m Outlet: 2mm x 4m Pressure drop and dry-out calculated using CoBra

Development and definition of evaporator systems II.Design and test of a micro-channel substrate based evaporator for the LHCb VELO 1.address the issues in relation to interconnection and distribution: The design of the evaporator needs to be done from and to the manifold. Arc-welding of pipes between the manifold and the detector modules is not possible ones the electronics are mounted on the module 2.Proper dimensioning of the in- and outlets connecting the detector to the manifold 3.critical safety aspects (the VELO is operated in the secondary LHC vacuum) Safety issues in case of micro-leaks need to be addressed in a coherent way, taking into account that the advantages and disadvantages of safety valves, and the maximum vacuum pressure tolerable for the thinner RF-foil.  More input today from Bart, Malcolm, and Pawel 6

II.Design and test of the UT evaporator with vertical staves 1.A basic design together with a test program exists  More input today from Simone and Ray Development and definition of evaporator systems 7 The goal for the cooling distribution is to give the correct flow, using balanced pressure drop in the circuit. The degree of freedom in the design is in the input cooling line diameter and length Output manifold Individual input lines