WELCOME TO MY CLASSROOM CURRICULUM NIGHT Barbara Babich ( Babick ) Social Studies
Remind 101
Social Studies Content TCI History Alive: The Ancient World Text book assigned to the students Text-books must be covered at all times On-line text book for home use Account sign-up in school ISN (workbook) Suggested Supplies Flash drive (may be used for other classes) Folder Pen, pencil, checking pen, hand-held sharpener Spiral Notebook Colored pencils (Completely optional – we have a class set.)
Ancient History: Focus How might learning about past civilizations help us to understand ourselves? How does studying ancient history help us to understand today’s world? How does our perspective influence how we view world events or other cultures? How might I come to understand another perspective that is different from mine?
World Religions In what ways are the five major religions of the world connected historically? Judaism, Christianity, Islam Buddhism, Hinduism How, where and when were the five major religions founded? Why might these religions ask the same questions, but get different answers?
Global Competencies Communicating Ideas Effectively Investigating the World Recognizing Perspectives Taking Action
Global Competencies Investigate the world beyond their immediate environment. Developing questioning skills. Recognize their own and others’ perspectives. Communicate their ideas effectively and with diverse audiences. Translate their ideas and findings into appropriate actions to improve conditions.
Global Citizenship What does it mean to be a global citizen? “Capstone Project” Investigation of a self-created Focus Question involving a global issue CERS format (Claim, Evidence, Reasons, Synthesis) Research skills combined with Language Arts curriculum Working with media specialist Culminating activity (May - approximately)
Working Together Check the Wiki for information: HW & Agenda, Project Directions, Parent Resources Encourage use of planner/writing HW down Join Remind 101 “Study Buddies” (classmate phone #) The “Kitchen table method” for homework. “Explain your homework for tonight” rather than “Do you have any homework?” “Let’s review your homework for Effort & Achievement!”
Wiki: One Stop Shopping Wiki Page HW & Agenda Project Description Student Pages All Course Information & Parent Info is on Babich14 wiki under Parent Resources.
Power School EM (Extra Mile) = 105% L = 10% off assessed grade **Late Work: One day late = 10% reduction = Collected (No Points/Effort Grade) M = Missing (0%) m = missing (still time to complete/exempt) I – Incomplete/ unfinished (50%) Emergencies: quick from parent or short note BEFORE the start of class. **Option to apply – for one-day extension. (Grace Period) Missing Assignment slip should still be filled out as an “application” for late work. Go to ZAP or Saturday School. Power School Problems? Ask Ms. Gienap in office, teachers have no information regarding your account.
Life Happens… If your child is… CONFUSED: Call his/her study buddy, do anything he/she CAN do, problem solve with a friend, stop by my room between 8:00 – 8:10 to talk to me personally EXHAUSTED: Send him/her to bed and write me a brief note, set a priority to make this assignment FIRST on the list for tomorrow night OVERWHELMED: encourage your child to identify what part is overwhelming: (i.e. homework, can’t keep up in class, forgets items in locker, friendships, thinks the teacher doesn’t like him/her, seat assignment) ABSENT for religious holidays: exempt from work that day, extended time on work (Regular Absence): Check wiki agenda, call Study Buddy, make morning appointment to see me upon return to school (for multiple days absence) LEAVING EARLY for vacation: If work is requested, please give notice at least one week in advance. Work is expected upon day student returns to school
Because we all have one of those days… Even the teacher…
= Quicker Response So don’t call me maybe…. I’m here for you too!
Wish List Kleenex? Sanitary Wipes? Fitness Balls? Tennis Balls? Overseas Contacts?