Communications Principles (EE320) First day Course Materials Assistant Prof. Dr. Anwar Hassan
Lecture objectives Course first day materials 1.Course Identification and General Information 2.Student Learning Outcomes 3.Course Objectives 4.Catalog Description 5.Course Schedule 6.Course Materials 7.Course Instructor
Course Identification and General Information No Title and codeCommunications Principles, EE Program(s) on which the course is givenElectrical Engineering 2 Level of programs:Level 5 3 PrerequisiteEE 301 (Signal and System Analysis) 4 Credit hours (Theoretical, Tutorial, practical)3 (3, 1, 0) 5 Course Instructor:Assistant Prof. Dr.Anwar Hassan
Student Learning Outcomes At the end of the course the student should be able to: 1.Explain the basic communication concepts 2.Identify and explain the types of modulation schemes. 3.Define the implementation and effect of basic modulation and demodulation schemes. 4.Understand the basic principles of digital communication.
Course Objectives 1. Understanding of the construction, connections, principle of operation and equivalent circuit of analog modulation techniques. 2. Understanding of how to calculate the performance characteristics (spectrum and power efficiency) of the analog modulation techniques. 3. Understanding of the Super-heterodyne transceivers (TRX). 4. Understanding of the construction, connections, principle of operation and equivalent circuit of pulse modulation techniques. 5. Ability of how to calculate the performance characteristics (channel bandwidth) of the multiplexed signal (FDM and TDM) 6. Understanding of Pulse code modulation fundamentals such as quantization and coding 7. Understanding of the Construction, principle of operation and frequency division multiplexing. 8. Ability of calculating the bit rate. 9. Ability to determine and analyze the signal to quantization noise ratio. 10. Obtaining the knowledge of how to calculate the maximum # of multiplexed message signals for a given channel BW.
Catalog Description Basic Elements of a Communication System Basic Modulation Techniques Pulse modulation Techniques Signal Multiplexing Introduction to digital communication
Course Schedule 1 st Introduction: Communication System need of Modulation for Information Transmission. 2 nd Amplitude Modulation (AM) & demodulation (Envelop detector) 3 rd Amplitude modulation: DSB_SC & Quadrature-Carrier Multiplexing 4 th Applications: Mixer, Super-heterodyne AM radio receiver 5 th SSB, Applications: FDM in Telephone Network 6 th Types of angle modulation: PM & FM 7 th NBFM modulation 8 th WBFM modulation 9 th FM Demodulation 10 th Applications: FM Stereo transmitter and receiver 11 th Sampling Theory and Types of Pulse Modulations: PAM, PWM & PPM 12 th Applications: TDM - PCM Transmitter: Quantization and Coding 13 th PCM Receiver 14 th Line Coding & TDM 15 th Advantages of digital communications: regenerative repeaters
Student Performance Assessment Methods Method of assessment Percentage of total Attendance02 % Quizzes8 % Assignments, Reports and Presentation12 % Two Mid Term Exams2×15 %=30 % Final Exam50 % Total (Note: 2% Bonus are given to students who attend more than 95% of classes) 102 %
Text Books and References
Online Discussion forums This online discussion forum will help you to create external and internal communities where problems, topics, ideas, communication technology will be solved, discussed, shared and exchanged accordingly. All the topics will be shared in the following web site The idea and solutions comes from students for having important conversations in a better environment.
Course Instructor Assistant Prof. Dr. Anwar Hassan Ibrahim Name Ext: 5035 Mobile & Ext Level 2 – Room No 11 Office Qassim University Research Gate LinkedIn