C31102 IT 2 Computer Center Pluakdaengpittayakom Software C31102 IT 2 Computer Center Pluakdaengpittayakom
Meaning of Software Software is group of commands created from programming language
Need of software Software help human can control computer and make profit from it.
Programming Language Media between computer and human Computer can understand only binary number or machine language
Programming Language(cont) Machine language is hard to understand then language translator be created for translate high-level language to machine language Language translator divide 2 types 1) Compiler and 2) interpreter
Compiler vs Interpreter Compiler will check all code before translate to program Interpreter will translate one statement and run it
Type of software We can divide software to 2 types System software Application software
System software Control hardware such as get data from keyboard, send data to monitor, etc. start working when computer will be turned on.
Function of system software Manage Input and Output Manage Memory Coordinate between Hardware and Application software
Subtype of System software System software also divide to 2 subtype Operating System : OS Compiler
Operating System : OS Low level software that used for maintenance Hardware All computer must install OS
Example of OS DOS : Disk Operating System work in command line mode Windows : work in graphic mode, multitask mode, easy to use
Example of OS OS/2 like Windows, built by IBM, few difference about command Linux , Freeware OS, Multi user platfrom
Language Translator Used for translate source code to machine language Help programmer can program easier
Example of Programming language PASCAL : structure programming language BASIC : easy command C : flexible & HW friendly programming language LOGO : child learning language FORTRAN, COBOL, RPG ,etc
Application Software Software work on specific task can divide in 2 type Ready-made software Specific-task software
Ready-made software Built to buy more Like deli Example of Ready-made software such as word processing, spread sheet, database management, presentation, data communication Low price but not fitness
Word processing software Use for create, edit, format and print document Such as Microsoft Word, Lotus Ami-Pro etc.
Spread Sheet Software Use for calculating, define formula and processing Such as Microsoft Exel, Lotus.
Database Management Software Use for create, manage, query and make summary report on various format. Such as Microsoft Access, DB2, Oracle, Foxbase, etc.
Presentation Software Use for create presentation in various format Such as Microsoft Powerpoint, Lotus Freelance, Harward Graphic, etc.
Data communication software Make computers can communicate Such as Internet Explorer, ProCom, CrossTalk, Telix, etc.
Specific-task software Make by order Like command food. Such as 7-11 Account program, PIS High cost but fitness.
Summation Software System Apply OS Translator Ready-made Specific Task