Computer adware is software that can display all different advertisements on the computer screen. Some computers can get affected at any point when people are on computers on the internet or doing any work. Adware can cause minor computer problems to other people’s computers when they are doing something. Never install programs or download files from any source that you do not trust 100 percent. Do not open any attachments that you do not trust 100 percent. Always close a pop-up window by clicking on the "x" at the top corner of the window. Run an adware scan on your computer at least once a week. Using more than one program is even better, because not every program can catch every piece of adware. Many adware programs cause additional adware programs to install on a computer. There are two main ways that this happens. Some adware installs additional adware without any actions being taken by the user. Other adware programs trick the user into installing more adware. It does this by opening up pop-up windows. When the user clicks on the pop-up window, more adware is installed. Adware pop-up windows can be very tricky. For example, some pop-up windows will have a button that says "Close Window." The close button is actually an install button. When the user clicks the close button, more adware is installed on his computer. Everywhere you look online you will see plenty of advertisements for various goods and services. While you may be so used to them that they don't even bother you, the fact that they may contain adware is something you should be very concerned about. If you happen to click on these downloads or advertisements you will quickly be infecting your computer with serious problems you don't want to have to deal with. Adware can even be attached to music you decide to download so be careful.
Often, software programs supported by adware have adware- free counterparts that are the same as the freeware but without the advertisements. However, individuals have to pay a fee to download the adware-free version. Therefore, adware is often used to sponsor a free version of a type of software so that potential customers can try it out. Then if they like what they see, they can go on to buy the full, non-adware supported version. Adware runs in the background of your freeware programs to show you advertisements when you use that program. Depending on the invasiveness of the adware it can sometimes even run in the background of your computer itself to show you advertisements on your desktop even when you are not using the program you originally downloaded the adware with.