ISC Journal Citation Reprots تقارير استنادية للمجلات Mohammad Reza – Ghane Assistant Prof. in Library and Information Science & Director of Research Department of Scientometrics, RICeST
ISC Journal Citation Repots تقارير استنادية للمجلات Journal Citation Reports offers a systematic, objective means to critically evaluate the Islamic world's leading journals, with quantifiable, statistical information based on citation data. helps to measure research influence and impact at the journal and category levels, and shows the relationship between citing and cited journals in different scientific disciplines.
ISC JCR is a usable tool: to rank thousands of scholarly and professional journals within their discipline or sub discipline among Islamic Countries. For educated decisions about selecting and deselecting journals in universities and research institutes libraries, and gauging the prestige and influence of journals.
ISC JCR is used for numerous practical applications: Authors can identify the most appropriate, influential journals in which to publish. Professors and students can discover where to find the current reading list in their respective fields. Information analysts can track bibliometric and citation trends and patterns. Publishers and editors can determine journals' influence in the marketplace, to review editorial policies and strategic direction, monitor competitors, and identify new opportunities. Librarians can support evaluate and document the value of their library research investments, develop and manage journal collections.
Journal Citation Reports help you: Sort journal data by clearly defined fields: Impact Factor, Immediacy Index, Total Cites, Total Articles, Cited Half-Life, or Journal Title.
Definitions Impact Factor (IF): measures how frequently the average article in a journal has been cited in a particular year. Immediacy Index: measures how quickly the average article in a journal is cited. The immediacy index will tell you how often articles published in a journal are cited within the same year. Cited Half – Life: is the number of publication years from the current year which account for 50% of current citations received.
Calculation Impact Factor: is calculated by dividing the number of current citations to items published in the two previous years by the total number of articles published in the two previous years. Immediacy Index: is calculated by dividing the number of citations to articles published in a given year by the number of articles published in that same year.
Journal Citation Reports can show: Most frequently cited journals in a field and countries Hottest journals in a field and countries Highest impact journals in a field and countries Leading journals in a field and countries Related journals in a field and countries Citation characteristics for a subject category and countries
System default is alphabetical order of journals’ title
Journals are searchable alphabetically
A Journal’s impact factor is based on 2 elements: the numerator, which is the number of citations in the current year to any items published in a journal in the previous 2 years, and the denominator, which is the number of substantive articles (source items) published in the same 2 years.
Immediacy Index: measures how quickly the average article in a journal is cited. The immediacy index will tell you how often articles published in a journal are cited within the same year.
Immediacy Indexes are indicative of journals that are good at providing cutting edge information; they are good places to look for what is happening in a field.
The citing half-life for the journal is the median age of the items the journal cited in the current JCR year. Half of the citations in the journal are to items published within the citing half-life.
Citing Half - Life is a measure of how recent the articles cited in a journal are? It is usually directly related to how long articles in general stay relevant within a field of study.
The cited half-life for the journal is the median age of its items cited in the current JCR year. Half of the citations to the journal are to items published within the cited half-life.
Cited Half - Life is at least as important in estimating journal quality: better articles keep getting cited longer. Cited Half – Life is best used as a measure of how long articles from a journal remain relevant. Long Cited Half – life is a reason for letting a periodical remains in a library collection.
Number of times articles published in 2007 (in journals above) cited articles published in Iranian Polymer Journal (in years above). Cited Journals The Numbers in the ALL row are sum of the numbers in their respective columns
Number of times articles published in journals above (in years above) were cited in Archives of Iranian Medicine in Citing Journals
Bibliographic Information
- Title - ISSN - Frequency - Publisher - Address - Subject
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