+ Graphic Freeware = Meaningful, Cost Efficient Graphics
Original map from textbook
TGIL Home Page
Search for “World Map”
Download the image
Save file to your computer
Find Inkscape application and open
Open world map in Inkscape; file - open
Preset options
Save new file
Next, we import the map
Link the file to save space
Layers sidebar
Create a new layer
Select map and move to lower layer
Click on the lock icon
Select the layer the “World” layer
Now we’ll open the “Fill and Stroke” sidebar
Select and fill
Use pen to add lines
Adjusting lines
Select lines and give them a 2 point stroke
Changing stroke style
Knocking out an area and moving objects up and back.
Changing fill
More pattern fills
Moving locked object
Adding braille labels
Finished Graphic
Saving the pdf
Contact or Anthony Slowinski - Tactile Graphic Designer American Printing House for the Blind * 1839 Frankfort Ave * Louisville, KY x 479 This presentation material is the property of the American Printing House for the Blind, (APH), copying or distribution of this material requires written permission from the presenter.