Common Thesaurus Framework Co-funded by the Community Programme eContentplus ECP-2007-GEO
FRAMEWORK REQUIREMENTS Modularity: new KOS may be added as a new module plugged in the set of thesauri in the NatureSDIplus solution. Openness: Each KOS should be easily extendable keeping separated the original one. Interlinking: Interlinking among the terms referring to the same concepts in more then one thesaurus in order to harmonize their usage. Exploitability: encoding in a standard and flexible format in order to encourage the adoption and its enrichment from third party system
DESIGN PRINCIPLES SKOS-Simple Knowledge Organization System to encode the thesaurus content to model basic structure and content of thesauri according to semantic web\W3C recommendations Linked data best practices To publish the thesaurus in machine understandable format exploiting existing protocols in the web
Web Server Thesaurus Skos/RDF fragments Machine- understandable form SW Clients Tabulator OpenLinkData SPARQL Thesaurus HTML web Clients Web Server Web Server SKOS AND LINKED DATA BEST PRACTICES
THESAURUS FRAMEWORK CONTENT RESULT Number of available concepts The Thesaurus Framework for Nature Conservation includes more than 200,000 concepts Thesaurus language All thesauri are in English except for Species in Latin Official languages of other EU countries has been considered according with the availability translation of the existing thesauri Interlinks have been generated Habitats to Species and vice versa; EARTh to Bio-geographical regions and vice versa; EARTh to GEMET; Species to official linked data dataset available at the EUNIS/EEA web site.
REFERENCES De Martino M., Albertoni R., A multilingual/multicultural semantic-based approach to improve Data Sharing in a SDI for Nature Conservation, International Journal of Spatial Data Infrastructures Research, Vol.6, ISSN , pp , (2011), [pdf][pdf] Albertoni R., De Martino M., Semantic Similarity Assessment to Browse Resources exposed as Linked Data: an Application to Habitat and Species Datasets, abstract and presentation at INSPIRE conference 2011, 27 June 2011 – 1 July De Martino M., Albertoni R., A multilingual/multicultural semantic-based approach to improve Data Sharing in a SDI, abstract and presentation at INSPIRE conference 2010, June 2010.