Identifiers for Digitised Heritage Danijela Getliher Jasenka Zajec National and University Library in Zagreb The Seventh SEEDI Conference Digitisation of cultural and scientific heritage Ljubljana, Slovenia, May 2012
Identification of digitised objects to increase access, to inform users, to distinguish between similar objects, to link same objects, to facilitate transfer of metadata, for citations and references, to link to other systems, to reduce duplication.
Distinguish between similar objects
Reduce duplication
One resource digitised twice
Distinguish between similar objects
Identifiers – some characteristics unique persistent dumb or intelligent traditional (for printed resources) and new (for digital resources) applied to different resources (books, articles, journals) assigned by authorised agencies or by authors/publishers/libraries, etc.
Identifiers for different resources ISBN (International Standard Book Number) ISSN (International Standard Serial Number) ISRC (International Standard Recording Code) ISMN (International Standard Music Number) ISAN (International Standard Audiovisual Number)
ISTC (International Standard Text Code) DOI (Digital Object Identifier System) ISNI (International Standard Name Identifier) NBN (National Bibliography Number) ISCI (International Standard Collection Identifier)
ISIL (International Standard Library Identifier) ISPI (International Standard Party Identifier) ISWC (International Standards Musical Work Code) PII (Publisher Item Identifier)
Possible levels of identification Digitising organisations/libraries - ISIL Collections - ISCI Authors - ISPI Works and expressions - ISTC, ISSN-L Manifestations - ISSN, ISBN, NBN, ISAN, ISWC Component parts - SICI, BICI
Identifiers for digital objects ISSN (International Standard Serial Number) SERIALS AND OTHER CONTINUING RESOURCES ISSN DOI (Digital Object Identifier) DIGITAL OBJECTS doi: / ISBN (International Standard Book Number) MONOGRAPHIC PUBLICATIONS ISBN ISTC (International Standard Text Code) TEXTUAL WORK ISTC 0A B4A105 7 NBN (National Bibliography Number) PUBLICATIONS urn:nbn:fi- fe SICI (Serial Item and Contribution Identifier) PART OF SERIAL SICI (199412)4 5: TX;2-M URN (Uniform Resource Number) DIGITAL RESOURCES urn:ISSN:
Jane Austin: Pride and prejudice
Work level: Pride and prejudice - ISTC Manifestation level: title published by one publisher in one media edition with usage rights and graphic layout - ISBN, URN, NBN Component parts: one chapter - BICI other identifiers for manifestation levels which may be parts of a book, e.g. component part identifiers e.g. sound, music and video recordings - ISRC, musical works ISWC
Narodne novine Narodne novine (Zagreb, 1876) ISSN Narodne novine (CD-ROM) ISSN Narodne novine (Online) ISSN Work level: Narodne novine – ISSN-L Manifestation level: online, print, CD- ROM editions
Manifestation level: Narodne novine (Online) ISSN Component parts: volume, number, chapter - SICI One ISSN for the same title on the web, on mobile devices (iPod, Iphone, Epub..) or digitised
Recommendations Omnipresent digitisation – identification is more important than ever Digitised objects must be identified, at as many levels as possible (facilitates future use and management of digital libraries) The already existing, standardised identifiers should be used – no need to invent own, proprietary identifiers (facilitates exchange of metadata and linking to objects)
Conclusion Traditional identifiers have worked well for the last years and have also proved their viability for digitised objects.
Thank you!