BG Institute Work and Health Occupational Health Conference/Oman Semper Opera, DresdenBGAG Improving poor OSH by a Safety Management System Dr. Thomas Kohstall, Dr. Andreas Lüdeke
BG Institute Work and Health Occupational Health Conference/Oman Main tasks of the Institute Work and Health Qualification measures ResearchConsultancy BGAG
BG Institute Work and Health Occupational Health Conference/Oman Topics The German system of statutory accident insurance and prevention 2. A current study on Safety Management System in a company 3. Safety Management System as a value driver
BG Institute Work and Health Occupational Health Conference/Oman Employer’s liability EmployersEmployees Entitlement to benefits Contributions Indemnity against liability BGen No claims
BG Institute Work and Health Occupational Health Conference/Oman The Berufsgenossenschaften cover… All employees are compulsorily insured Occupational accidents Commuting accidents Occupational diseases Who ? What ?
BG Institute Work and Health Occupational Health Conference/Oman The „suitable means ” of the Berufsgenossenschaften A comprehensive service Prevention (preventive measures) Rehabilitation (medical benefits, occupational and social rehabilitation) Compensation (financial benefits)
BG Institute Work and Health Occupational Health Conference/Oman Funding of the insurance system The employers pay contributions. The level of contributions depend on degree of risk in the company (risk class) size of staff salaries and wages number, severity and costs of accidents leading to a supplement or rebate (bonus-malus-system).
BG Institute Work and Health Occupational Health Conference/Oman The German system of statutory accident insurance and prevention 2. A current study on Safety Management System in a company 3. Safety Management System as a value driver
BG Institute Work and Health Occupational Health Conference/Oman Introduction to the Role of Safety Management health and safety in the workplace is a management task occupational safety and health can significantly enhance the productivity of a company one strong preventive approach is to minimise operational disruptions
BG Institute Work and Health Occupational Health Conference/Oman Costs caused by operational disruptions Actual study concerning: “Calculation of downtime costs caused by operational disruptions” A cluster analysis shows three types of companies: those which felt motivated to get involved with OSH activities, those which had a neutral attitude and those which did not feel motivated to get involved with OSH activities
BG Institute Work and Health Occupational Health Conference/Oman n = 30 n = 13 n = 4 OHS acceptance through employee Integration in working process OSH as a management function Significance of OSH Implementation of a Safety Management System all companies OHS-motivated neutral OHS-unmotivated Health promotion 1 = explicit consent – 5 = no consent
BG Institute Work and Health Occupational Health Conference/Oman Integrated OSH into workplace processes Reasons for taking OSH measures in motivated companies: reducing the number of accidents, seeing OSH as part of the corporate culture, raising employees’ motivation, enhancing the company’s image, improving product quality.
BG Institute Work and Health Occupational Health Conference/Oman Safety management as part of an integrated management system selection of personnel, purchasing, housekeeping, quality of the product or service (need for reworking or rejection) and management of dangerous substances. Safety management plays a role in the following issues, for example:
BG Institute Work and Health Occupational Health Conference/Oman Implementation of a Safety Management System Step 1: Adapt company policy in line with the Safety Management System, consult with employees, provide adequate resources to implement the policy and monitor its success. Step 2: Analyse current employee behaviour and workplace conditions. Step 3: Define safety and health objectives and the indicators to monitor the objectives’ progress. Step 4: Determine specific organisational and technical measures plus training measures. Step 5: Monitor and review the effectiveness of the policy and the whole system.
BG Institute Work and Health Occupational Health Conference/Oman Management Circle Policy Planning Implementation and Operation Checking and Corrective Action Continuous Improvement Management Review
BG Institute Work and Health Occupational Health Conference/Oman The German system of statutory accident insurance and prevention 2. An current study on Safety Management System in a company 3. Safety Management System as a value driver
BG Institute Work and Health Occupational Health Conference/Oman Advantages of a Safety Management System Improved workplace atmosphere higher performance of employees higher product quality Reduction in illness and absenteeism higher productivity less sick pay
BG Institute Work and Health Occupational Health Conference/Oman Costs for implementing a Safety Management System Implementation costs External consulting if required Training (internal and external) of one or more employees Costs of meetings and consultations with the managers and employees involved Costs of internal auditing.
BG Institute Work and Health Occupational Health Conference/Oman Safety Management System as a Value Driver Occupational safety and health serves to prevent occupational accidents to eliminate hazards and disruptions this improves the work processes Occupational safety and health serves to prevent occupational disease to avoid future human suffering this reduces rehabilitation and compensation costs 1 2
BG Institute Work and Health Occupational Health Conference/Oman Operational disruptions HR-related disruptions, e.g. absenteeism due to accidents or illnesses, material-related disruptions, e.g. due to the input material not being of the correct quality, operational disruptions, e.g. due to machine failures and logistics disruptions, e.g. if urgently needed supplies are in an HGV in a traffic jam on the motorway and the machinery and workers thus have nothing to do.
BG Institute Work and Health Occupational Health Conference/Oman Safety Management has aspects: It promotes occupational safety and health for employees and it makes companies more profitable. Safety management is a meaningful addition to the tool box of safety and health at the workplace. Results
BG Institute Work and Health Occupational Health Conference/Oman Safety Management System in a Total Management Thank you very much for your attention! See you in Dresden