Do pictures always give truthful information? Can publishing it be hurtful??
Traditional vs Digital Writing & Images Writing & Images Take photo or write story Send photo to newspaper/ magazine / publisher If you’re lucky it will be published Time taken – weeks, months or years Very hard to re-publish Take photo or write story Download to computer Upload to internet site, blog, Social Networking site It WILL be published as YOU are the publisher Time taken – seconds or minutes Easy to re-publish
The “Star Wars Kid” Tape At school a 15 year old boy video taped himself. Classmates uploaded it onto Internet- Sharing Software. Someone added effects to mock him. Over 100 versions are now on websites.
The ease in which we can publish images & words can be a tool for the CYBERBULLY.
Have you ever received a mean or instant message? Have you ever sent one? This is called cyberbullying.
Where Bullying Can Start Chat rooms are open discussion forums “Slam rooms” – created to defame others. Private information can be posted anonymously. Rumours can spread quickly.
A cyberbully uses the Internet, cell phone, or other device to send or post text or images to try to hurt or embarrass another person. It's a lot like the bullying that happens at recess or on the school bus, and it can hurt just as much. Like other kinds of bullying, you can help stop cyberbullying from happening to you.
What you can do help prevent it: Keep passwords safe! You can tell your parents about it, but not anyone else — not even your best friend! Protect your mobile number – only give it to people you really trust. Use caller ID blocking to hide your phone number when you call someone you don’t really know. Don’t share secrets, photos, or anything online that might be embarrassing if someone found out (like the entire school!).
Set up and instant messenger accounts with your parents. Make sure not to put your name, age, address, or phone number in your profile or screen name. Don't send messages when you're angry. Wait until you cool off so you don't say something you'll regret. Let bullies know that cyberbullying is not OK. If your friends are cyberbullying, tell them that it’s not funny and that cyberbullying hurts people. Be as nice online as you are offline.
If a cyberbully is bothering you: Don't respond to s or messages that are mean to you or your friends. Don’t forward s or messages that are mean or that spread rumors about other people. Don't open s or messages from someone you know is a bully. Block anyone who acts like a cyberbully. Save or print all messages from bullies. Show the messages to an adult you trust—like a parent or a teacher—and ask for help.
Safety Net You can help others who are affected by this by letting others know. Forms and Safety Net box outside counseling office.