Bullying: What Parents Can Do Presented by The Crime Victims’ Center of Chester County, Inc.
Is bullying really a problem? 160,000 kids (1 in 12) stay home each day because of bullying.160,000 kids (1 in 12) stay home each day because of bullying. 60% of bullies in grades 6-9 end up with a criminal record by the time they reach age 24.60% of bullies in grades 6-9 end up with a criminal record by the time they reach age 24. Nearly 50% of parents mistakenly believe harassment/bullying are NOT problems that affect their children.Nearly 50% of parents mistakenly believe harassment/bullying are NOT problems that affect their children. Statistics compiled from yellodyno.org; NEA.
What is bullying?
Bullying is…… Repeated, aggressive behavior that has a negative impact on a person or personsRepeated, aggressive behavior that has a negative impact on a person or persons Involves an imbalance of powerInvolves an imbalance of power
Who is involved?
Bullying can be…… PhysicalPhysical VerbalVerbal VisualVisual SocialSocial CyberCyber Gender/ SexualGender/ Sexual
Relational Aggression Creates a “network of negativity” around the target/victimCreates a “network of negativity” around the target/victim Usually girlsUsually girls IncludesIncludes LiesLies BetrayalBetrayal RumorsRumors TauntsTaunts SecretsSecrets HarassmentHarassment BullyingBullying ExclusionExclusion GossipGossip Silent TreatmentSilent Treatment
Cyber-Bullying Relatively newRelatively new Involves the use of information and communication technologies to support deliberate, repeated, and hostile behavior by an individual or group, that is intended to hurt othersInvolves the use of information and communication technologies to support deliberate, repeated, and hostile behavior by an individual or group, that is intended to hurt others Often connected to offline, traditional bullyingOften connected to offline, traditional bullying “Being bullied over the Internet is worse. It’s torment and hurts. They say ‘sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.’ That quote is a lie and I don’t believe in it. Sticks and stones may cause nasty cuts and scars, but those cuts and scars will heal. Insultive words hurt and sometimes take forever to heal.” -14 years old
Cruel, insulting, obscene, slanderous, or threatening web pagesCruel, insulting, obscene, slanderous, or threatening web pages Harassing messages (IM, , text)Harassing messages (IM, , text) Conspiring and excluding onlineConspiring and excluding online Rating sitesRating sites GossipGossip StalkingStalking Damaging picturesDamaging pictures from camera phones Cyber-Bullying
Are kids really affected by bullies?
How can I tell if a child is being bullied? WithdrawalWithdrawal A loss of friendsA loss of friends A drop in grades/inability to concentrate in schoolA drop in grades/inability to concentrate in school A loss of interest in activities he/she previously enjoyedA loss of interest in activities he/she previously enjoyed Torn clothingTorn clothing Become aggressive or moodyBecome aggressive or moody BruisesBruises A need for extra money or suppliesA need for extra money or supplies InsomniaInsomnia AnxietyAnxiety
Why are some kids always the target?
Kids who are often targeted by bullies are: Anxious, insecureAnxious, insecure Suffer from low self-esteemSuffer from low self-esteem Non-confrontationalNon-confrontational Different from their peersDifferent from their peers Bullies pick on kids they know they can hurt- it gives themPOWER Bullies pick on kids they know they can hurt- it gives them POWER! However, NO ONE EVER DESERVES TO BE BULLIED!
What can we do?
Parents and teachers can help! Talk to your child’s teacher instead of the bully’s parents. Be persistent about dealing with the problem.Talk to your child’s teacher instead of the bully’s parents. Be persistent about dealing with the problem. Find out about anti-bullying policies and programs at your child’s school.Find out about anti-bullying policies and programs at your child’s school. Explore non-violent conflict resolution strategies with your child.Explore non-violent conflict resolution strategies with your child. Help your child build their self-confidence.Help your child build their self-confidence. Encourage students to be good bystanders.Encourage students to be good bystanders.
Parents and teachers can help! With your child, develop of list of people they can ask for help.With your child, develop of list of people they can ask for help. Don’t minimize the pain your child is experiencing. Empathize and keep the conversation open.Don’t minimize the pain your child is experiencing. Empathize and keep the conversation open. Get kids involved in activities outside of school to meet new friends.Get kids involved in activities outside of school to meet new friends. Be a good example- don’t bully others or encourage bullying behaviors.Be a good example- don’t bully others or encourage bullying behaviors.
The Crime Victims’ Center of Chester County, Inc. Free programs to grades Pre-K to 12th BullyingGood Touch/Bad Touch Stranger Safety Internet Safety Sexual HarassmentAcquaintance Rape Cyber-Bullying 24-hour Hotlines: Business Line: