OPERATING SYSTEMS GROUP Test Jigs for Pen HLK Existing testing tools from Win 8/8.1 are still used for Pen tests: Precision Touch Testing Tool (PT3) Rotational Acoustic Tool (RA) New accessory jigs to enable Pen testing: Stylus Holders Pressure Test Tool Stackable Weights Stackable Weights Pressure Test Tool Stylus Holders
OPERATING SYSTEMS GROUP New Test Jigs: Stylus Force Test Tool and Stackable Weights Stylus Force Test Tool allows our HLK tests to draw a relation between precise weights and reported pressure Counterbalances on Stylus Force Test Tool ensure the weight of the pen and pen holder don’t affect the testing Stackable weights have been machined with low tolerances to ensure accuracy in the weight applied to the stylus
OPERATING SYSTEMS GROUP CONTACTS FOR TRIEX AND ITRI Purchasing Test Jigs Triex Technologies, Inc. o Tim Wright o +1 (206) o Industrial Technology Research Institute o Sen Yih Chou o +886 (03) o
OPERATING SYSTEMS GROUP Running HLK Standalone Tool Standalone package should contained all of these files:
OPERATING SYSTEMS GROUP Running HLK Standalone Tool TAEF package can be found in HLK Controller : C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Testing\Runtimes\TAEF\[Target Architecture] Standalone package can be found in HLK Controller: C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Hardware Lab Kit\Tests\[Target Architecture]\input\Digitizer Two DLLs can be found in HLK Client : C:\Program Files\Windows Kits\10\Hardware Lab Kit\Client
OPERATING SYSTEMS GROUP Running HLK Standalone Tool Install WDTF (Windows Driver Test Framework) Put the device into Developer Mode Settings > Update & Security > For developers Enable test signing bcdedit –set testsigning on Restart the system Required two DLLs Wlklogannotation.dll WTTlog.dll
OPERATING SYSTEMS GROUP Running HLK Standalone Tool Running specific tests in Pen Tests Open elevated command window Enter : taef\te pentests.dll /name=*Test Name For Example, taef\te pentests.dll /name=*contactaccuracy Running specific tests that use RA tool taef\te PenLatencyTests.wsc /name:*audiotouch taef\te PenLatencyTests.wsc /name:*stepmotor Save console log For example, taef\te pentests.dll /name=*pressurelevels /enablewttlogging
OPERATING SYSTEMS GROUP Pen.xml Pen.xml Look for Test Name
OPERATING SYSTEMS GROUP Resources Device.Input.Digitizer.Pen Requirements us/library/windows/hardware/dn932659(v=vs.85).aspx us/library/windows/hardware/dn932659(v=vs.85).aspx Pen Implementation Guide Pen Validation Guide Windows Pointer Device Data Delivery Protocol us/library/windows/hardware/dn aspx us/library/windows/hardware/dn aspx
OPERATING SYSTEMS GROUP Microsoft Support For Pen Relevant Questions Please Send to Ask Windows Pen : For Windows Pen Readiness :