B U F V C British Universities Film & Video Council promoting moving pictures and related media for higher/further education and research
B U F V C British Universities Film & Video Council Luke McKernan
B U F V C quality services to support the use of moving pictures and related media in higher and further education specialist information courses, conferences and screenings online databases and services quarterly magazine, guides and books videocassette copies of broadcast television online sources of moving pictures & sound encodings of moving pictures for local use
British Universities Newsreel Database (BUND) Database of 160,000 British cinema newsreel stories BUND based on principle of context The film of itself is meaningless, or can have false meaning placed upon it, without an understanding of the conditions under which it was made A newsreel was made by a company, working under particular conditions, responsive to particular news values, responsive to particular economic pressures It was filmed by someone, edited by someone, commented on by someone, shown to the audience of its time Cataloguing data, documentation, background history, all support understanding of the film itself
B U F V C quality services to support the use of moving pictures and related media in higher and further education BUND British Universities Newsreel Database
B U F V C quality services to support the use of moving pictures and related media in higher and further education BUND British Universities Newsreel Database
Newsfilm Online Traditionally difficult to access either data or the newsfilms themselves from commercial television news owners In 2001 Independent Television News (ITN) indicated willingness to co-operate with education ITN Archive holds over 130,000 hours of newsfilm, from 1896 to present day Interest led to ten-month scoping study examining ITN collection from an educational perspective Successful bid to CSR2 digitisation fund to encode 3,000 hours of ITN newsfilm Programme over thirty months, ending late 2006 All selected items to be downloadable and editable, designed for educational re-use, in perpetuity
Newsfilm Online How to select 3,000 hours out of 130,000? Select firstly according to date and type of broadcast Problem of third party materials Offer users both complete database and materials packaged according to curriculum needs Insist on context - news stories as part of a bulletin, data on production, events and personalities Privileged access to universities and colleges only through authentication software Further protection through Digital Onscreen Graphic ITN, and earlier example of British Pathe, demonstrate how commercial archives can serve a public access agenda, to the benefit of everyone
Newsfilm Online 650 hours Channel 4 News and News at Ten ( ) at average rate of 10 mins selected material per day 400 hours News at Ten ( ) at rate of 10 mins selected material per day 100 hours of Roving Report, etc ( ) 400 hours of ITN ( ) selected at 10 mins per daily edition 600 hours of Gaumont newsreels ( ), complete bi-weekly issues, 9 mins per issue 225 hours of Reuters/Visnews news agency material 150 hours of unreleased material 500 hours remainder for requested themes
Newsfilm Online Database structure – the bulletin, the story and the section Dublin core and PABs
Newsfilm Online Packages or full-on database
Newsfilm Online QuickTime Moviemaker
Newsfilm Online Documentation Other contexts Reference work
Newsfilm Online Education usage – who did we speak to and who is this for?
Newsfilm Online Working with a commercial partner
B U F V C quality services to support the use of moving pictures and related media in higher and further education Luke McKernan Head of Information British Universities Film & Video Council 77 Wells Street, London, W1T 3QJ