ALCOHOLIC BANDITS Emily Trucks Taylor Moore Caroline Chang Kelly Breen
Involved Michael Kralek Jodi Porter Steve Haines Yvonne Auclaire Bill & Jane Brown (cabin owners) Jonathan Allen (liquor store owner) Ed Rice (beer stand vender)
Involved Bill and Jane Brown Jonathan Allen Yvonne Auclaire Michael Kralek Steve Haines and Jodi Porter Ed Rice
The Case One Saturday in July, four teenagers from Bixby, Anystate attended the city's annual frog festival. Michael Kralek, Yvonne Auclaire, Steve Haines, and Jodi Porter (all seventeen-eighteen years old) were allowed to purchase alcohol at several different sites throughout the day. Completely intoxicated by the end of the night, the friends were messing around when Yvonne cut her foot. Obviously through a lack of judgment, Michael suggested the group break into a cabin to retrieve a bandage. The cabin, belonging to Bill and Jane Brown, was found completely destroyed three days later. The damages done to the cabin and its contained items were estimated to cost $10,000.
Affidavits & Depositions All four teens have admitted to and been charged with vandalism and underage drinking The planning committee for the Bixby Frog Festival decided not to card people at alcohol- selling stands None of the teens were asked to show an ID All four teens “felt out of control” due to alcohol consumption
Laws In Anystate, U.S.A. it is illegal for anyone under the age of 21 to drink alcohol It is illegal to sell, give, or provide alcohol to anyone under the age of 21 If somebody suffers an injury by an intoxicated person through property damage or financial loss, the person who suffered the injury can sue the person who caused the intoxication based on an illegal sale of alcohol
Cases Hacker vs. Anytown America League No. 600 If a person becomes intoxicated by illegal means and causes somebody harm then the seller of the illegally purchased alcohol is liable for the damages, if the alcohol contributed to the injury Martinez vs. Smith If someone sells alcohol illegally and the purchaser becomes intoxicated and then causes another person harm, the seller is liable for the harm
Other Information: Alcohol Alcohol is the world’s most commonly used drug It can cause impaired coordination, errors in judgment, impaired learning and memory, sedation, euphoria, and anxiety reduction The effects of alcohol abuse are estimated to cost over $184.6 billion each year
Other Information: Alcohol Alcohol can effect adults in negative ways, but the effects are even worse on teenagers. Please watch the video below before continuing with the presentation.
Other Information: Vandalism Vandalism is more likely to occur in an environment where alcohol is readily available Server liability laws permit individuals to sue for damages that happen as a result of alcohol being sold to a minor or served to an intoxicated customer In one year alone, the cost to victims of alcohol- related crimes in the U.S. was $10 billion
Case Outcome The Bixby Frog Festival Planning Committee should be held responsible for their decision not to require identification of those purchasing alcohol at their festival on this Saturday in July. Their decision was foolish, as stands selling alcohol products were more concerned with making a profit than with the safety of their community. Their fascination with profit is proven through Jonathan Allen's deposition when he states, "We made more money on the festival than ever this year." It is sickening that large amounts of this profit were made due to the inability to question the age of alcohol purchasers shown in all four of the involved parties' depositions. The planning committee, responsible for the stands selling alcoholic beverages, is guilty of violating the law and allowing the vandalism of Bill and Jane Brown's cabin to occur. They should change festival policies for next year to incorporate the mandatory identification check of all alcohol purchasers, even those who do not appear to be underage. With the above actions taken, the festival can once again become what it was meant to be: a family affair. This is a wonderful alternative to what it has become: an event allowing the intoxication of teens, leading to damages of property.
Works Cited Cleveland Live LLC. "Cleveland Area News." Cleveland.Com. Cleveland Live LLC, Web. 14 Mar Dreamstime. "Stock Photos." Dreamstime. PACA, Web. 14 Mar Fanpop. "Eric Saade." Eric Saade. BUZZMEDIA Entertainment, Web. 14 Mar Fun Time Tours. "Important Information." Fun Time Tours. Fun Time Tours, n.d. Web. 14 Mar International Institute of Young Musicians. "Student Spotlight." International Institute for Young Musicians. IIYM, Jan Web. 14 Mar Khoshyomn, Dr. Sami. "Missouri Safe & Sober: Alcohol's Effect on Teenage Brain." YouTube. Mercy Hospital-Springfield, 07 Feb Web. 14 Mar Neuwirth, Angela. "Fun Activities for Teen Couples." Web log post. Teen Dating Tips and Advice. N.p., 22 Oct Web. 14 Mar