Journal Guidelines 1.The journal is a part of your notebook, it is located in it’s own section. 2.Journals will be graded periodically (05%); they will not be graded on context or content. 3.For the most part your journals will be written inserts on your views on a given topic and/or unit. 4.Please date each journal entry on the upper right hand corner. 5.Please write without stopping the entire Journal period. 6.This is quite time, no talking.
Policy and Procedure Review What are the three rules in Health Education? What do each of the rules mean, give an example of each? What is a Rubric? How many points are in the rubric for Health Education-Study Skills? What does each point in the rubric represent? Is there extra credit? What is the first sentence in the first paragraph of the Policy and procedures? What does it mean? What are the new rules regarding food and drink? Is it O.K. to have gum in class? Explain the rules regarding the hall pass located on Coach Volek’s computer. What supplies are required by Friday.? Is anyone picking their nose? Why is it important to learn how to write? Do you like the music we have chosen for today? Why?
Policy and Procedure Quiz 1. All students will be treated like young adults; they will be expected to _______________ the teacher, others, the school, and the supplies. 2. All students will be _______________ for their actions and have a good _______________. 3. By walking in the door a students receives 9 daily participation points. What does a student need to do to earn 10 daily participation points? 4. To __________ a grade in Health Education – Study Skills at U.M.H.S. a student will be ready to __________ participate every day, while completing the requirements provided by El Dorado Union High School District And Mr. “V”. 5. How many points are possible for a homework assignment? 6. What is the rubric for this class (the point system ending with 1 = insignificant knowledge)? What is Coach Volek’s address?