Identity theft and social networking Names: Samantha cardozo. Mateo Villa. Degree: 11.2
DECEIT FOR NETWORKS. Origin: social networks appear in The 1st social network called was created in order not to lose contact with former classmates, college etc. This purpose has been distorted to the passage of the years Friendster Myspace Facebook Tuenti, twitter Tumblr Instagram
CAUSES. social networks emerge as the need for communication and human contact with relatives. friends etc.that are a long distance or just to meet new people, cultures. Identity theft is usually caused by people with low self-esteem, which lie by loneliness, dementia, or simply for fun.
consequences: Loss of privacy. Phishing: Identity Theft online or manipulate data and passwords APRA people expect a large scale. Extortion, manipulation, kidnapping, etc. cyberbullying, they are modalities that use this type of people that impersonate the identities of others. They endanger the lives of people, their tranquility, their psychological and emotional well-being etc.
Lies used by social networks. People often lie about their names, location, age, physical appearance, lifestyle, work, socio-economic stratum among others.
Current situation. Millions of people use social networks around the world. Women are the most affected by this crime. Today, social networks have become a tools to commit cyber crimes and go unnoticed. The misuse of these are the cause of separations, suicides, theft.
future situation. social networks will become increasingly necessary and important to our lives. new forms of communication will be created and with them new crimes. Social relations will become more virtual.
Responsible.. the creation of social networks has been most by companies or executives. The persons responsible for identity theft are ordinary people, between the ages of 15 and 46 years throughout the world. Affected.. Those affected are people who do not make proper use of their social networks and personal information or his innocence and ignorance are not responsible for these.
Advantages and disadvantages Advantages reunion with known. They help establish professional connections with the world Generate solidarity movements. Real-time communication Possible search for emotional contact: couple, friendship. Conducive to date information on topics of interest. Disadvantages Dangerous for personal information. impersonation Cause addiction and dependency They are become a means to commit other crimes. Misuse causes alienation in interpersonal relationships.
possible solutions. Being aware of the information published. Organizing time to enjoy social networking. Learn about cybercrime. Be responsible in communicating with others