Journal Writing
“I hope that I shall be able to confide in you completely, as I have never been able to do in anyone before, and I hope that you will be a great support and comfort to me.” – Anne Frank (Inscription at the beginning of her journal )
Journaling uses the writing technique FreeWriting. According to, “Freewriting is a popular technique used by writers to practice writing in general, or to collect their initial thoughts and ideas on a writing topic. It is often used as a preliminary to more formal writing.”
FreeWriting The technique involves continuous writing, usually for a predetermined period of time (often 5, 10, or 15 minutes). Writing is done without regard to spelling, grammar, etc., and no corrections are made. If the writer reaches a point where they cannot think of anything to write, then they write that they cannot think of anything, until they find another line of thought. The writer allows himself or herself to stray off topic, and to just let their thoughts lead them wherever they may. At times a writer may also do a focused freewrite where a chosen topic structures their thoughts. Expanding from this topic, their thoughts may stray to make connections and create more abstract views on the topic. This technique helps them to explore a particular subject before putting their ideas into a more basic context. Freewriting is often done on a daily basis as a part of the writer's daily routine. Also, students in many writing courses are assigned to do such daily writing exercises.
* Lynn Nelson's Writing and Being Rules for Journaling Start with facts then move beyond them by asking, “How do I feel about that? What is going on inside me?” Your journal is a private, safe place; there is no need to pose or pretend. Be as emotionally honest with yourself as you can. Take off some of the masks you have been trained to wear.
* Lynn Nelson's Writing and Being Rules for Journaling Use you journal as a garbage can…discard your angers, your fears, your doubts, your frustrations by writing about them. This will lessen their power over you. You will feel better. No critics allowed; do not worry about grammar, spelling, spacing, neatness, etc. Your journal is for creativity and discovery.
* Lynn Nelson's Writing and Being Rules for Journaling Do not try to write “answers” or the “big truth.” Avoid making judgments. Avoid putting things in neat little boxes; You are not writing to be done with it. You are writing to keep your mind open; there is always more to be learned. Look for images and metaphors that express what things seem like, how they feel to you. Go beyond logic.
Sample Journal Entry Look at Handout
* Lynn Nelson's Writing and Being Questions to Get You Started Ask yourself the following questions each day and give yourself plenty of time to explore your thoughts about them in your journal. When were you angry or frustrated? When did you feel good? What would you change? Who made your day better?
Practice Brainstorming Make a list of things you are good at by completing the following phrase: I’m good at…
Practice Brainstorming 2 Make a list of things you are not so good at by completing the following phrase: I’m not good at…
Practice Journal Entry 1 Choose 1 item from your “good at” list and write a journal entry about it.
Practice Journal Entry 2 Choose 1 item from your “not good at” list and write a journal entry about it.
Any Questions?